Sentences with phrase «grade equivalent»

Clinical assessment can document student progress; progress is demonstrated by an increase in standard scores or percentile ranks, not by an increase in age or grade equivalent scores.
In fact, most of our middle school grade equivalent groups reached the test's maximum measurement of 13 + — an extraordinary achievement!
I've advocated, for example, paying kids in 7th through 12th grade the equivalent of what they would make working at McDonald's if they take math and science and get a B or better.
The city inspections are currently not made public, which Peralta says prompted his bill that would require the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to convert the existing health inspections into the letter grade equivalent.
Because Alachua County's gain scores tend to be larger than the national average, these are more conservative estimates of years of gain than are those based on national grade equivalents.)
Much money, talk, time and attention has been expended in the past few years on holding schools and educators «accountable,» regardless of the validity of the effort to reduce student outcomes to numerical or grade equivalent metrics.
The Woodcock Johnson Test of Student Achievement, the Peabody Individual Achievement Test and the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment are a few of the tests designed to be administered in individual sessions, and provide grade equivalent, standardized and age equivalent scores as well as diagnostic information that is helpful when preparing to design an IEP and an educational program.
The Report cites additional data that suggests growth in school effectiveness could reasonably increase student achievement by between 0.75 and 2.0 grade equivalents statewide.
The sum of the products of credits attempted and grade equivalents earned in a period at The Cooper Union, divided by the sum of credits for that period, is the rating for that period.
It provides age equivalent and grade equivalent scores.
Scores reported will offer a grade equivalent score, but also percentile and stanine rankings for each of the individual test sections.
If the grade equivalent score is significantly above the current grade on any achievement test, you might consider out - of - level testing to get a better idea of the child's true level.
With students learning on DreamBox for 100 minutes per week, Ms. Funk credits the program with helping her students increase their math achievement scores, as measured by the STAR Math Enterprise ™ assessment, by one grade equivalent in six months, moving from an average grade equivalent score of 1.3 to 2.3.
After the student completes the assessment the teacher can quickly access reports that provide valuable information including the student's grade equivalent, estimated oral fluency, instructional reading level, etc..
This means that if your 3rd grader receives a grade equivalent score on an individual achievement test of grade 5.8 in math, that she is working, at least on the questions that were asked, at the level of an average late 5th grader.
After the student completes the assessment the teacher can quickly access reports that provide valuable information including the student's grade equivalent, percentile rank, and normal curve equivalent.
When I arrived in New Mexico, I learned that our high school diploma was at the eighth - grade equivalent and nearly half of our kids entering college still needed remediation.
The highest number correct, minus any incorrect responses, provide a standard score, which is quickly converted into a grade equivalent or age equivalent.
There is no industrial - grade equivalent to this.
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