Sentences with phrase «grade math test asked»

The 4th - grade math test asked 34 questions; the 3rd - grade language - arts test included three readings — a folk tale, a poem, and a nonfiction passage — and 20 questions.

Not exact matches

Well, let's put this to a test, ask Holy Spirit / God what the name of my seventh grade math teacher was.
For example, a person who wants to improve her math grade might ask a friend to change her Netflix password until she's taken an arduous test; if she wants to eat healthier, she might deposit money into an account that she can only access after improving her diet.
When people are asked whether the federal government should continue the requirement that all students be tested in math and reading in each grade from 3rd through 8th and at least once in high school, nearly four out of five respondents say they favor the policy (see Figure 2).
Under the administration's proposed regulations, fourth - through eighth - grade English and math teachers will have their students» scores on the state's Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (ASK) test count toward 35 percent of their evaluation.
The results also can come back in edu - speak, with reports like «your child is proficient in quantitative reasoning, but borderline on X, Y, and Z.» When I worked at the agency, I even had to call the state's assessment director and ask her whether the questions my daughter missed on her fifth grade math test would hinder her as she went along.
This means that if your 3rd grader receives a grade equivalent score on an individual achievement test of grade 5.8 in math, that she is working, at least on the questions that were asked, at the level of an average late 5th grader.
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