Sentences with phrase «grade school education»

If they graduate from high school today, that's like barely out of grade school education compared to previous generations.
Prairie Moon Waldorf School in Lawrence, Kansas, offers early childhood and grade school education from preschool through eighth grade.
it's comical how religion can take a person with little more than a grade school education — and elevate their mind to the level where they literally believe they can argue subjects for which they are so completely ill - equipped — that virtually everything they posit seems as if it's coming from an 8 year old child.
NEW YORK — News Corp. is naming its grade school education business Amplify.
Just about anyone with an I.Q. on the low side of the I.Q. Bell Curve can posses a high school education (because a high school education nowadays in many areas mirrors a grade school education of the fifties when I was a grade school student... when effort «was» required).
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