Sentences with phrase «grade than for boys»

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Babies and toddlers shouldn't watch TV, an hour a day of television is a reasonable amount of time for children, aggressive boys are made more aggressive by violent video games, heavy media users get lower grades than kids who are light users and also report being less happy.
Once again this spring, boys outnumber girls as National Merit Semifinalists, even though girls typically earn higher grades than boys in both high school and college, the National Center for Fair & Open Testing has charged.
And girls benefited more than boys: The new bathrooms increased enrollment for girls in primary schools by 11.1 percent, compared to 9.7 percent for boys, and in the upper grades by 7.1 percent, compared to 4.7 percent for boys.
Girls in elementary school are still perceived more favorably, disciplined less harshly, and graded more generously than boys, but boys receive more attention, encouragement, and constructive criticism, ac - cording to a new report by the Project on Equal Educational Rights of the National Organization for Women.
RW: When you examine state tests, which are far better than NAEP for measuring gender gaps because they test every student every year in most grades, you see that girls have pulled even with boys in math and science.
At every grade level, English Language Arts results are stronger for girls than for boys.
In terms of grade level, bullying was more common for 7th graders than for 8th graders at the three schools we surveyed, with two notable exceptions: Verbal bullying affected 8th grade girls more than any other subgroup at Small City School, and physical violence affected 8th grade boys and girls more than 7th graders at Big City School.
And so what we found in that was even though girls had comparable test scores to boys and had actually higher grades, as was mentioned earlier, higher grades in math and science than boys, that teachers were more likely to rate the class as easy for the boys and as more difficult for the girls.
From as early as preschool, boys are expelled almost five times as often as girls; for all grade levels, African American students are suspended or expelled at rates several times higher than any other group; and nonheterosexual youth experience school sanctions up to three times more often than heterosexual youth.
Those bad boys back in grade school now seem more an annoyance than a tragedy, even if a playground fight for Hank Willis Thomas can end in death.
For boys, family involvement showed an additional effect, with boys who completed Family Activities in sixth grade being less likely to report having had sex in eighth grade than boys who did not complete these activities.
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