Sentences with phrase «gradual blindness»

The disease causes gradual blindness, which first affects vision in poor lighting conditions and eventually results in complete blindness months to years later.
The retina of the eye is especially at risk, with either sudden or gradual blindness often being the first sign of latent high blood pressure.
This disease causes gradual blindness to affected animals, while carriers are not affected.
This disease, which is most often associated with FIV, FeLV, FIP and other infectious organisms, is usually chronic and is likely to result in gradual blindness.
Ask your vet to regularly check your Dachshund for eye problems, particularly as gradual blindness may not be immediately obvious.
Varda's body becomes a factor during a medical sequence in which she receives eye injections for a disease causing gradual blindness.
PRA — progressive retinal atrophy is disease that leads to gradual blindness and occurs in many breeds.
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