Sentences with phrase «gradual processes such»

So far, the climate science used in courts has focused mostly on overall trends and gradual processes such as sea level rise, said Michael Burger, executive director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School in New York, who said he has no financial stake in climate change litigation.
Most of the ocean's salts were derived from gradual processes such the breaking up of the cooled igneous rocks of the Earth's crust by weathering and erosion, the wearing down of mountains, and the dissolving action of rains and streams which transported their mineral washings to the sea.

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In reversing such an understanding Jesus emphasized the rule of God as a gradual process brought into culmination in people's willingness to care for and share with others.
And she explains the life of St. Francis very well - revealing, for example, that the process of change was a gradual thing and that it began with simple gifts to the poor and a real commitment to prayer, and the more dramatic events such as the encounter with the Crucifix at San Damiano came only after this preparation.
Despite this gradual tilt to a more privatized institution, many positive aspects of the socialist ideal, such as partnership in the overall community, a democratic leadership and decision - making process and full access to the various educational, cultural / religious, health and welfare services, are still preserved.
«The political process provides further inertia, both because emissions continue as political negotiations take place and because mitigation proposals are built around gradual emissions reductions that guarantee further emissions even if such proposals are eventually adopted.»
The arc is so gradual, over such distance, that the steel pipe safely turns from vertical to horizontal in the process.
Geologic records indicate that when the increase in atmospheric CO2 is gradual, oceanic pH and carbonate levels remain relatively stable due to processes that occur in equilibrium, such as dissolution of CaCO3 shells, weathering of terrestrial rock, and tectonic processes.
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