Sentences with phrase «gradual steps»

You must start from an early age in gradual steps.
If either animal becomes fearful or aggressive, separate them, and start back at step one taking small, gradual steps forward again.
While the Dutch court may be making gradual steps toward crypto being recognized as a currency, other organizations do not recognize it as such.
There is a shallow end with gradual steps for easy getting in and out of.
By following gradual steps, you have established a very good foundation.
Remember to make changes in gradual steps and monitor your pet's weight throughout the process.
The story reminded me strangely of «Cabin in the Woods,» with a premise that took gradual steps down from the status quo as it went descending — occasionally literally — into madness like a narrative slinky.
Others, like our team at Cumberland Advisors, think they will take gradual steps in view of the fact that the US dollar is the strongest currency in the world.
The results suggest that these communicative systems can evolve through gradual steps instead of an unlikely large single step.
Perhaps finding a lower heel can be a good in - between and gradual step towards wearing flats?
I recognize that schools can't radically reduce sodium all at once — even the IOM suggest that the FDA take only gradual steps to reduce salt in our food supply so that the nation's collective taste buds can adjust.
And with the increases coming in gradual steps well into the next decade before we see an actual $ 15 an hour, one would think the impact on those who are paying for that increase — including you and me — would be minimal.
13:10 - Osborne confirms gradual stepping down of corporation tax - it'll be cut to 25 % in April 2012.
Free shaping is a type of animal training where you teach the behaviours in gradual steps using a marker, like a clicker, and rewards.
Teaching the dog through exceedingly gradual steps that being home alone is not a scary thing — a process called desensitization, which is used with animals of every species (including humans) to help overcome fears and phobias.
Spencer and other experts explain that training your cat to use the toilet requires several gradual steps.
But this filing is about an adjustor mechanism specific to us and we think it is the right incremental gradual step to address the ongoing and defined cost shift between solar and non-solar customers.»
Lally has overcome all of her basic obedience, and in regards to her aggression, we're taking gradual steps to set Lally up for success and teach her calm, appropriate behavior.
Yet this decisive step, which may or may not have a great emotional accompaniment and which may come with dramatic suddenness or by a succession of gradual steps, is never the end of the road.
Increases the delayed retirement credit in gradual steps from 3 percent for workers reaching full benefit retirement age (age 65) before 1990, to 8 percent for workers reaching full benefit retirement age after 2008.
In the current issue of the journal PLOS ONE, researchers at Michigan State University reveal that these color - coded communiqués evolve over time through gradual steps.
Hot flashes and night sweats are less likely if the estrogen dose is decreased in gradual steps.
Apple will have taken one more gradual step in a smooth and orderly succession that Jobs planned so as to lessen the shock on employees and investors.
The gradual steps have to be virtually omnipresent; a few plausible sections of staircase here and there up the face of the mountain are not enough.
Our Toddler line has been specially designed to make the weaning process easier, helping your baby to master eating and drinking in small, gradual steps.
It helped my daughter to make a gradual step forward without being thrown into something totally unfamiliar.
To help your child overcome her fear, Dr. Brown recommends this gradual step - by - step process: first, let your child poop in a diaper but only while in the bathroom.
«Minimal pumping and gradual stepping down is the wisest approach.
«Many of today's older workers are rejecting the cliff edge between work and retirement in favour of a gradual step down.
The gradual step - down into TGO's aerobraking orbit allows ground controllers to monitor pressures and temperatures on the spacecraft.
If you are taking synthetic estrogen, whether by itself or in combination with synthetic progestin, a gradual step might be to at least start natural hormones along with synthetic estrogen, for a month, then wean slowly off synthetic estrogen.
At Chelsea Career and Technical High School in Manhattan, where teachers tried out an algebra exam, Margaret Glendis, the math assistant principal, said she liked what she saw — an hour - and - a-half test with only five multipart problems, each of which got harder in gradual steps.
Description The iPhone 4s is a gradual step over the iPhone 4 improving the internals, but keeping the look and feel.
They don't suggest radical changes, but gradual steps.
If you have brought a bunny home that has not been litter trained then you need to take their litter training in a series of gradual steps, special care needs to be given to juvenile bunnys as they will need to learn how to use a litter tray as they develop.
Activity centers may still be appealing as high perches, but gradual steps should be placed alongside for ease of access.
Accented with a backsplash of calming blue tiles and designed with a gradual step entry, the tranquil pool also offers a separate raised spa to soothe those tired muscles on your Kauai vacation.
This exhibit highlights the gradual steps taken by the artist to master these forms and includes a series of late paintings that have not been shown since 1991.
These demonstrate a gradual stepping up or down between white and black, between lighter and darker.»
Tax credits for all residential renewable energy products have been extended through December 31, 2021, and feature a gradual step down in the credit value.
Under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, the renewable energy tax credits for fuel cells, small wind turbines, and geothermal heat pumps now feature a gradual step down in the credit value, the same as those for solar energy systems.
If the will was there for even this type of an approach, I'd say there is a decade or two left for trying this out to avoid the 4 degrees C variance limit (BTW, I've assumed that you'd agree that 4 degrees is the limit we could go to avoid an Apocalypse) but even the will isn't there for a gradual step - by - step solution among the populace.
It's this gradual stepping that makes all the difference in the world, and makes the «bokeh» blur something that actually looks good instead of «fake good,» as most phones that utilize this effect look.
It's gradual steps, all the while empowering him with the information he needs to understand what's happening.
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