Sentences with phrase «gradually builds back up»

Like the superb Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Metroid Prime starts you off in the thick of it and then gradually builds back up into action, both games allowing a great sense of a capacity for exploration, something generally lacking from Resident Evil 4's more cheap and gory thrills.
Even if you don't go back to eating a lot more carbohydrate, glycogen stores gradually build back up, with the glucose mainly coming from gluconeogenesis from protein.
You can then gradually build back up again, and so on.

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«The growth rate (of non-energy exports) persistently was less than what we thought should happen and it's gradually building up to something that we have to acknowledge, and we have to say, «Either it comes back someday after firm creation kicks in more strongly» or something,» Poloz said.
If you have been giving baby more than a few ounces of formula a day, you may need to wean him off of it gradually while you build your supply back up.
This gradually builds you up to overtraining and that is where we back off.
Ensure you listen to your body, and if your back starts to ache then stop the exercise and build up reps more gradually.
If you gradually build the leg raise up, so you do not overload yourself at the beginning, and you strengthen your back, this abs exercise should not cause any problems.
You actually open the capsule, pour a third of it in a little bit of water or just directly into your mouth — it tastes fine — and take it that way and then just gradually build up to one capsule, then gradually build up to two capsules and stay on that dose for maybe two to three months therapeutically, and then you can go back down to one capsule as a maintenance dose.
How to Work Up to the Full Bridge Exercise Gradually and Safely (Even if You're Not a Flexible Yoga Gal) The bridge exercise is useful for building strength and flexibility of the back and spine, among many other things.
Then gradually ease back into your training and make sure you build up slowly to all out bouts of jump squats or sprinting.
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