Sentences with phrase «graduate school concerning»

Essentially, it's an article for Couples Therapists like myself to question the neutral stance we were taught in graduate school concerning divorce.

Not exact matches

As CEO Evan Spiegel last year told graduates of USC's business school, concerning innovation: «Conforming happens so naturally that we can forget how powerful it is.
Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer wrote in the journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, that, «Although most of the research and public pressure concerning sustainability has been focused on the effects of business and organizational activity on the physical environment, companies and their management practices profoundly affect the human and social environment as well.»
The Yale Law School graduate is seen as showing genuine concern about others at the company, which raises the question: Why did he stay at a company that has come under fire for its questionable and sometimes illegal practices?
Even though it was on the wane by the time I was entering graduate school, the religious drama movement that had once flourished at New York's Union Theological Seminary articulated my concerns about the relationship between «drama» and «church».
Fourth, the faculties of professional and graduate schools tend to see themselves as cognitively open, able to work amid cultural pluralisms and competing cognitive styles, and genuinely concerned for the school's welfare.
Undergraduate colleges, graduate institutions, theological schools and seminaries have raised questions concerning the nature of the discipline of the history of religions.
So I am deeply concerned about the impact the Supreme Court's ruling might have on faith - based or other educational institutions — including schools from grades K - 12, colleges, universities, theological seminaries and graduate schools — that hold to natural or conjugal marriage, which has only come into question within the past decade.
Caveating his concerns, the man of God said his comments should not be misinterpreted as an endorsement of corruption or wrongdoing, but rather a warning about the destruction of the private sector which has the potential of providing jobs for over 95 per cent of employable graduates and secondary school leavers, since, according to him, the public and civil service has room for just about five per cent of all employable Ghanaians.
They have concerns about property taxes, about school infrastructure, they have concerns about kids» ability to leave school and enter the workforce when they graduate,» he said.
«It's a little concerning because if I do plan to take it, I understand that I will have to come back, so I already know what I'll have to do after graduate school,» she said.
A group calling itself the Concerned LLB Graduates, has threatened to sue the General Legal Council for contempt of court, for using the recently taken entrance exams and interview to deny over seven hundred students who failed access to the Ghana Law School.
Your statement that «you do not want to be miserable the rest of the time you are in graduate school» concerns me.
(I am somewhat concerned by your statement that you «don't want to be miserable the rest of my time in graduate school» for it doesn't seem to fit with your statement that you enjoy your current focus.)
Responding to concerns voiced by his advisory committee and the larger scientific community, Harold Varmus, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has decided not to continue with plans to create a graduate school at the NIH.
Mary Ellen Lane, associate dean for curriculum and academic affairs at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, says that the anxieties she hears from current Ph.D. students are similar to the concerns she and her peers had as cell biology doctoral students in the late 80s and early 90s.
«There's a lot of concern,» said Lewis Kuller, chair of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, and co-chair of a task force set up by the National Institutes of Health to tackle the issue.
And in a recent study on supply and demand issues, CTF found that 58 % of Canadian school boards surveyed are concerned that an ongoing shortage of new graduates from teacher education programs will exacerbate recruitment problems.
Supported by the US National Institutes of Health (GM048002 and AI073870 to N.R.J.G. and T32 AI07244 to M.V.M. and J.A.H.H.), the Concern Foundation for Cancer Research (S.V.), American Chemical Society (Irving S. Sigal Fellowship to J.A.H.H.), the Wellcome Trust (GR076558MA to O.A., C.B. and M.S.), the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology (O.A., C.B. and M.S.) and Lincoln College, Oxford (Sloane Robinson Graduate Award to C.B.).
But then it could be argued that the hoops action is almost incidental in this fact - based story, for the title character, Richmond High School (though actually filmed at my alma mater, Long Beach Polytechnic High School, which somehow became the go - to ghetto high school filming location after I graduated) basketball coach Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson), is less concerned with how his young charges fare on the court than they do in the classroom and, ultimately, in the game of adultSchool (though actually filmed at my alma mater, Long Beach Polytechnic High School, which somehow became the go - to ghetto high school filming location after I graduated) basketball coach Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson), is less concerned with how his young charges fare on the court than they do in the classroom and, ultimately, in the game of adultSchool, which somehow became the go - to ghetto high school filming location after I graduated) basketball coach Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson), is less concerned with how his young charges fare on the court than they do in the classroom and, ultimately, in the game of adultschool filming location after I graduated) basketball coach Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson), is less concerned with how his young charges fare on the court than they do in the classroom and, ultimately, in the game of adult life.
While this number was, and essentially remains, twice the national average of high school graduates who graduate from a four - year college, we were concerned because although nearly all of the students who left our school were college - bound, we suspected we had missed the mark of college readiness for some of our students.
«This is the best evidence to date on the impact of retention on a student's likelihood of graduating from high school, the chief concern raised by critics of test - based promotion policies.»
«Education is a pressing issue of national and international concern, and Harvard University, led by the Graduate School of Education, has a critically important role to play in shaping the debate, advancing the research...
«All parents would rightly assume that a graduate teacher is at the required standard and confident to take their place in a school when they enter the profession; what is of greater concern is that beginning teachers must receive the ongoing mentoring support and professional learning to allow them to be the best they can be.»
Expressing concern about the number of high - school graduates who require remedial education in college, the North Carolina State Board of Education has approved a $ 100,000 study of the students» educational history to determine «where things went wrong.»
«Too often, today's culture sends young people messages that emphasize personal success rather than concern for others and the common good,» said Richard Weissbourd, senior lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and co-director of the Making Caring Common Project.
This is the best evidence to date on the impact of retention on a student's likelihood of graduating from high school, the chief concern raised by critics of test - based promotion policies,» says West.
By the 1940s, there was another major concern: Many young men graduating or leaving high school were being rejected from the World War II draft because they were malnourished.
At the time, I was concerned that «dropout» statistics were masking a much larger problem that many in government knew existed but weren't sharing: hundreds of thousands of black and brown students nationwide were not graduating high school.
He acknowledges that there was concern that graduates of the program, with relatively little experience, would not be up to the task of running schools.
It is substantially larger than differences between the growth rates for children of high - school dropouts and the children of parents with graduate degrees as well as those between blacks and whites, differences that are the focus of considerable concern.
Delegates at the sessions voiced appreciation for the graduated response under the current system but expressed concerns over the lack of resources that are allocated for interventions at school action and school action plus level.
Nearly everyone shares the concern of the president and the governors that U.S. high - school students are not learning enough; that they're being surpassed by their peers in other lands; that too many are bored to death; that too many drop out; that few of those who graduate are well prepared for college and employment.
Boston Globe, 3/15/16 «There's also a perception that public schools around the country don't teach the subject well — a concern that isn't new, according to Jon Star, a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Inside Higher Ed, July 2, 2012 «This gubernatorial concern about board appointments is a significant departure from an era when there was more deference to institutions about who they wanted on boards, said Richard Chait, a professor at Harvard's Graduate School of Education who studies university governance.»
The AOCC seeks to inspire and impact the improvement of the education sector by annually convening Harvard Graduate School of Education alumni, students, and friends concerned with issues of race, class and education as they pertain to all people, and in particular to communities of color.
To address these growing concerns over skills gaps in the engineering workforce, particularly among graduates and school leavers, 91 per cent of companies agreed that to improve the supply of engineers and technicians, more employers need to provide work experience for those in education or training.
There's also a perception that public schools around the country don't teach the subject well — a concern that isn't new, according to Jon Star, a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
«Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern for Others and the Common Good through College Admissions» — a report by Making Caring Common, a project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education — says that intellectual engagement and ethical engagement, such as concern for others and the common good, are both «highly important.Concern for Others and the Common Good through College Admissions» — a report by Making Caring Common, a project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education — says that intellectual engagement and ethical engagement, such as concern for others and the common good, are both «highly important.concern for others and the common good, are both «highly important.»
The problem stems from parents» concern that their own children might be denied promotion or graduation based on a test score; from voters» confusion when their own upscale suburban schools are deemed to be failing by state or federal accountability systems even though most of the graduates do just fine; and from frustration when parents — often prompted by teachers — conclude that the basic - skills testing regime yields too much «drill and kill,» too little flexibility, and insufficient attention to art, music, and other creative disciplines.
Incoming College Board Head Wants SAT to Reflect Common Core Education Week, May 16, 2012 «Catherine Snow, a literacy expert and professor at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education who served on the validation committee for the common standards, said she is concerned that Mr. Coleman's translation of the common standards into pedagogy often «oversimplifies and misinterprets» good practice.
The Perception of Asian Dads and Masculinity Chicago Tribune, 6/10/16» «For Asian fathers, when their main concern was on survival, fitting into the new culture and bringing bread on the table, what America considers «male» was not their priority,» said Dr. Josephine Kim, a professor at Harvard's Graduate School of Education who specializes in child development and immigrant issues.»
To address employers» concerns that high school graduates were not prepared for the demands of the workplace, teachers in the Kent school district in Washington state have begun giving students grades for «employability.»
The point is that colleges have been telling high schools for years that our graduates are not prepared for college level academics and employers have shared similar concerns.
And as more and more students are graduating from districts like Los Angeles but appear not to have learned what high school graduates are expected to know, there is a growing concern that credit recovery programs may not deliver.
The report establishes a baseline for future analyses and identifies areas where additional research and information could inform City Schools concerning its graduates» success with college access.
Bowing to concerns from educators across the state, the Maryland school board voted unanimously this week to delay requiring students to pass new end - of - year tests in high school English and Algebra I in order to graduate.
She worked previously for BERC as a Research Scientist from 2007 to 2011, leading studies concerning the pathways of Baltimore City Schools students and graduates.
«I'm particularly concerned about students who are English learners because if they don't get reclassified by the time they are in high school, their chance of graduating is poor to none,» Vladovic said after the meeting.
These concerns led leaders to focus on the need for both higher expectations for high school graduates and new strategies for secondary education.
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