Sentences with phrase «graduating class chosen»

I have to say I'd like to see the graduating class chosen three years earlier by this method — provided they were taught by a method that didn't undo the admission committee's work.
At Schulich, for example, about a third of our graduating class choose to spend four months in an intensive, well - supervised clinical setting.

Not exact matches

Most students begin classes with us after the first trimester and will often choose their favorite day / time and attend that class every week until they «graduate» (deliver their baby)!
Eventually, the truth came out because I chose to go the very public route of putting my vagina on display (metaphorically, of course) by creating a blog and inviting my friends, family, and half my graduating class to read about our infertility struggles for the next three years as we underwent countless (read: eight) state - of - the - art fertility treatments that wreaked havoc on my body, mind, and bank account.
So, upon graduating from high school, I chose to attend the smallest of the majority institutions that offered me a full scholarship, assuming that it would offer me smaller classes and a more close - knit environment.
The Hopps program, in which students do research with chosen mentors from freshman year until they graduate and take special classes focused on graduate school preparation, kicked off in 2006 with about 25 participants, but two recent classes of Packard Scholars followed a similar program.
This year's class performed several role - playing skits based on topics of their choosing before the entire graduate school.
We pushed each other to graduate first and second in our medical school class and were chosen for two of the most sought - after naturopathic residencies.
My advice to other college graduates looking to do the same would be do your homework in regard to the program and location you choose, make sure the classes and professors are of a level that would be beneficial to you in the US.
A minor surprise, then, that his chosen mate resolves herself to be brunette graduate student Alicia (Jennifer Connelly), a student in a class that Nash teaches a few years later at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: minor for Nash because Connelly is unbelievably beautiful, major for Alicia because Nash is beyond a shadow of a doubt an antisocial fruitbar.
My classes have taken on weighty issues of their own choosing: Islamophobia in schools; lower expectations and discrimination experienced by ELL students; and a lack of support to help teen mothers graduate.
A recent study of eight New Tech graduating classes shows that 89 percent attended a two - year or four - year postsecondary institution, 92 percent applied some or a great deal of what they learned at New Tech to their postsecondary education or career, and 96 percent would choose to attend the school again.
The Student Debt Repayment Success Indicator (SDRSI) is a value that gauges the potential of a graduating class to successfully repay student loan debt.SDRSI can be used to figure out which colleges offer the best return - on - investment and can help students and their families make the best financial decision when it comes to choosing a college.
We are fully committed to providing first - class training to our graduates and others who choose to start their legal careers with us.
About 75 percent of recent college graduates (classes of 2006 — 2010) say they didn't put near enough consideration into choosing their major, and half of these said they should have chosen a different major altogether.
To choose the school that is right for you, you may want to look at average graduation times, how much practical experience is included, and certification rates for recent graduating classes.
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