Sentences with phrase «grain version»

I made the whole grain version of these... they turned out great!
But any home cook knows that it's entirely possible to make an acceptable whole - grain version of those foods using half white flour and half white whole wheat.
I've been searching for a great low fat, whole grain version for years.
Start replacing your bread, pasta and other carbs with whole grain versions.
No - Grain Granola — A handful of granola is remarkably sustaining, and this no - grain version doesn't interfere with the Paleo lifestyle.
Shall, Minute Rice Brand has a Premium Long Grain version (different than the regular!)
To get the most out of your alternative flours, be sure to buy the whole - grain versions instead of anything bleached or refined — only these kinds will have the oils and proteins you want for maximum flavor and moisture.
Fortified infant cereal is the standard North American starter food, be sure to choose a whole grain version without added ingredients.
Grains, such as pasta or crackers, are your best bet if kids will be playing for 60 minutes or less; choose whole - grain versions whenever possible.
I also opted for the Oatmeal and Ancient Grains versions since too much rice can give baby constipation (but let's face it, at this early stage of the game, many things will since their digestion is still developing).
Whole grain versions tend to pack a decent amount of fortified vitamins and minerals, but opt for unsalted when available.
Tales of a Punk Rock Nothing's take on DIY is different than the glossy, wood - grained version competing with HGTV on cable.
Look for whole grain versions of your favorite foods, and if carbs normally frighten you, add healthy ones in moderation.
And those whole grain versions of childhood favorites?
Shift to make half of all grains consumed be whole grains: Shifting from refined to whole - grain versions of commonly consumed foods — such as from white to 100 % whole - wheat breads, white to whole - grain pasta, and white to brown rice — would increase whole - grain intakes and lower refined grain intakes to help meet recommendations.
It takes longer to cook (as long as you're sure to get the whole grain version, not the pearled) but I'm glad I made a batch to try something different!
I love banana bread and I already know this whole - grain version will become a staple in my kitchen!
Jeanette & Laura — which recipe did you follow — the hearty whole - grain version or light and airy version?
The gluten - free Koopmans pancake mix contains seven times less fibre than the six - grain mix, while the Wasa gluten - free crackers contain only one third of the fibres in the whole grain version.
This kladdkaka, also known as Swedish sticky cake, gets a healthy makeover in this grain - free, gluten - free, dairy - free and 100 % whole grain version!
I'm assuming — or do you know — I whether other flours are more readily available in whole - grain versions — like oatmeal, barley, or rye.
Look for the whole - grain version, which will be far more nutritious and packed with tons of fiber.
After toasting they were edible, but sort of like a hearty / whole grain version of bread, not at all bagel - like.
I've been working on brown / whole grain version of tortillas (haven't got it quite right just yet, but I will), but I hadn't yet thought of making flavored wraps.
Chantal Organics do three different zentrofan flours — a whole wheat flour, a seven grain flour (made from organic wholegrain wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, rice and corn), and this four grain version (made from simply wheat, rye, barley and oats) I've used here.
I used the Ahern multipurpose flour blend (not whole grain version) and it makes a really nice, delicate bread that looks like pound cake.
Same approach here as with tortillas — the whole - grain version is healthier and can be easier to introduce when served with a hearty sauce.
One of the easiest ways to start introducing nonbinding foods into your toddler's diet is to swap out the white breads, crackers and other processed grain foods for whole - grain versions.
Getting more fiber isn't that hard to do — just swap your white bread, rice and pasta with their whole - grain versions and you can increase your fiber intake by more than 5 grams per meal.
Thinner noodles, like spaghetti, in a whole - grain version, often turn out better than thick because they don't cook as long.
I started with basic white sourdough white bread to practice and want to move up to whole grain versions.
While rice is a grain and couscous is a type of pasta, you can buy whole - grain versions of both.
Whole - meal bread instead of white bread) and avoid all sugary foods, but to avoid ALL starchy, grain - based foods, even supposedly «healthy» whole - grain versions.
This last part can be a challenge because many gluten free items are lower in fiber than the whole grain versions I would have normally chosen.
The dough might get too moistured but for now i only have the grained version.
I eat a mix of grain - free and whole grain goodies and to be honest, I would totally take these over a whole grain version.
I went to the Grain Free Version of Lamb and Potato, which he liked but it constipated him, so now we are on a mixture of 1/2 grain free and 1/2 grain version.
The white and wood - grain version we received looks as though it was just pried from the wall of a sauna, creating a classic / bohemian vibe.

Phrases with «grain version»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z