Sentences with phrase «grammar nazi»

I also misspelled «from» to get the attention of grammar nazis.
Once you have published a book you will inevitably come to the attention of a group of people who one writer friend of mine describes as Grammar Nazis.
Dear sir, grammar nazi here, Than is used to compare, then is used to indicate timing one thing is, multiple things are Thank you for your time.
Actually I figured it out before you did, Mr Grammar Nazis.
I'm a huge grammar Nazi (I WILL correct you) and I look for people who have common sense.
You don't have to be a certified grammar nazi just to write a paragraph with outstanding grammar.
My favourite things to do are read, write (Grammar Nazi right here.)
haha i hate grammar nazis but it looks like you like it when your customers raise hell lol.
If I want to throw my kindle across the room after a few screens, I know my mother, the original Grammar Nazi, really will.
And the only thing embarrassing here is your childish grammar nazi act.
No matter what kind of grammar Nazi you are, you should not edit your own book.
Do the Grammar Nazis fight alongside the Arabic Numeral Militants?
@ michael: your being a grammar Nazi and don't even use a cap in your name, wow you're 2 kuhl.
Grammar Nazis are never fun to talk to because they're just looking for a dismissive and cheap slap - down.
Wow, so glad the grammar nazi is here to point out such trivial matters.
I say donut when texting, otherwise I say doughnut as I'm super hypocritical about when I am a grammar nazi.
I'm not being a grammar Nazi, it's just making it all rather hard to read.
Signed, the grammar nazi, lol
looks super cute and useful, but the grammar nazi in me is kind of freaking out: * media * is already a plural (comes from latin; the singular form is medium)-- so i'm afraid «medias» is grammatically incorrect.
As for the writing... if you have a style blog, I wouldn't worry too much about the grammar nazis.
I studied English in college, but I won't go out of my way to be a (total) grammar nazi.
Your future significant other could be a self proclaimed «grammar nazi,» in which case you'd better check your messages as well!
You'll never know if the guy or gal you're hitting is a grammar Nazi because it would be a major «turn - off.»
I ignore the grammar Nazi especially when she critiques dialogue, but she picks up on lots of other things such as the overuse of a certain word.
Are these authors so unconnected in the writing world that they don't have other writer friends who are grammar Nazis and good editors with whom they can trade work to get it cleaned up and edited?
And yes, my opinion — especially as a Grammar Nazi — is that editing is important.
I think he either meant that you put «it's» instead of «its» being a grammar nazi, or «LG G - Slate» being a mouthful and preferring «T - Mobile G - Slate»...
Now if it were just easy to do, perhaps all we «grammar nazis», who are just trying to be helpful, could do that without angering those commenters who don't know how to write a decent sentence.
I'm a grammar Nazi, freelance copy editor, and I've spent hours and hours learning craft to improve my work.
I averaged about one minor correction per page, stuff that most readers would pass over, but the sort of things that drive a grammar nazi bonkers.
I do a short - form grid to check turns and whittle down the middle (if there's any bloat) then I give it to two beta readers: one is a plot - hole ninja and the other is a grammar nazi.
I don't care how much of a Grammar Nazi you are, you will miss stuff in your own work.
Plus you have me as a Grammar Nazi, LOL, and other friends who could help you edit.
If you have a grammar Nazi in your family, then you can probably do it for as little as $ 100 for cover and formatting.
Wielding my lasso of truth, I am the combination of nerd passion and grammar nazi.
I am usually one of those grammar nazi jerks pointing out other's retardation, but here I am stepping in and slipping in it.
Also, that sentence was incredibly hard to parse, so if you're a grammar Nazi you can very well leave me alone.
Plus, if you read this article about sentence structure and nouns and prenominal modifiers, you can have a leg up grammatically, too, which is one of the Internet's other favorite things (and when you get called a «grammar Nazi» you can throw «garbage person» right back in their face).
I'm no grammar nazi, but PLEASE include «utilize» in that list.
2) Grammar Nazi.
I am happy to admit that I am a spelling and grammar Nazi.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z