Sentences with phrase «grammar police»

seeing the reverend, his body suit and amazing toupee out of a web of lies, for an unstated fee, by thanking Penny Wu for playing the part of grammar police in this forum.
Sorry to go grammar police on you, but I had to google it to make sure it wasn't some word I had never heard of.
Joshua isn't a fan of grammar police, Johnnie creates the worlds most annoying sudden death trivia question and Garrett believes that Froppy is Bae.
Ed, I usually try not ot be the grammar police, but that last post is nearly unreadable.
and thank you for being the grammar police... their = possessive, they're = they are, there = yonder?
I definitely don't want to be a grammar police type, mistakes are to be expected on a message board.
And stop with the grammar police, no one cares, this is an Arsenal site for fans, not a wordsmith site.
Lastly, but not leastly (scaring the grammar police) your grands are adorable!
sorry, not a grammar police person, it just caught my eye.
Come at me, grammar police!
I'm not trying to be a grammar police as mine is probably jack $ h ! lol.
Not trying to be the grammar police or anything but I believe you meant «accentuate».
So the second kind of editor is what most people think of when they think of editing, and they think, «It's the grammar police
(let the grammar police start...)
Grammar police: in paragraph «Exclusive to whole life insurance», there should be their.
The news has been surprising, confusing, and generally displeasing for most of the grammar police.
So while the grammar police won't rap your knuckles if you use these words, they're not good style because they interrupt the euphony and rhythm of the sentence.
However, I have to be the grammar police.
for those of you who are grammar police, I chose not to put the comma in just because I like the way it looks this way better.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z