Sentences with phrase «gramms too»

Not exact matches

I really wanted to make this but the recipe is just too difficult to convert into uk measurements... not sure what the equivalent weight would be, we use ounces or gramms not cups... ended up abandoning the idea: -LRB-
anyways I tried gramms instead and it was obviously too much.
n - gramming, which we will be working on in due course, searches for terms when you don't use speech marks and will construct an algorithm for relevancy based on some the words being searched in the order you write them in the search field, so the search technology will, in future, look for the singular words «pink», «floral» and «skirt» when you use these terms but will also look for the bigram and trigram «pink floral» and «floral skirt» and «pink floral skirt» too.
Is your baby too cool for school, already «gramming #TBTs from the good ol' days?
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