Sentences with phrase «grand quest»

Understanding the brain is considered one of the grand quests of science, partly due to the conviction that the brain holds the key to what makes us human.
In it, I made the case that science — especially pure science, the grand quest to understand the universe and our place in it — might be reaching a cul - de-sac, yielding «no more great revelations or revolutions, but only incremental, diminishing returns.»
In AGoD, you administer a clan of dwarves on a grand quest to rediscover ancient secrets of the old civilization and defeat a group of evil mages along the way.
Jack (Jackie Chan), a world - renowned archaeology professor, and his team are on a grand quest to locate a lost ancient Indian treasure when they are ambushed by a team of mercenaries and left for dead.
expresses again how lucky these jolly sojourners were in undertaking this grand quest into the dark heart of relational dynamics.
His optimistic wonder and understanding of the subtext bring tension to even the minutiae of this grand quest by a motley crew of book lovers hoping to crack the code of immortality.
You'll take on the role of the enigmatic Captain Piper as you build a crew, form alliances and face off against your foes in a grand quest for survival.
All the power they have been granted, their powerful spells and devastating abilities will certainly not be too much for them to complete their grand quest!
Plunge into a grand quest full of deadly monsters and action!
Take control of a powerful Warrior, a dark Sorcerer or a Rogue master of stealth, and plunge into a grand quest full of action!
From there, she sets out on a grand quest to uncover the answers hidden in this dangerous new world.
However, that same day the evil wizard Crocus places the King into an everlasting sleep with one of his dreaded spells, forcing Lily to go on a grand quest in search of a remedy.
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