Sentences with phrase «grandiose self»

When a grandiose self - image is threatened: Narcissism and self - concept clarity as predictors of negative emotions and aggression following ego - threat.
«Narcissistic admiration» refers to assertive self - promotion of a grandiose self - image.
The narcissistic personality maintains a grandiose self - perception that judges others as inferior, and with an air of haughty arrogance feels justified (entitled) in the contemptuous treatment of others who the narcissist judges to be unworthy, so that the fundamental inadequacy of the other person justifies the contempt and cruelty delivered by the narcissist.
Rather than an authentically bonded relationship, however, this superficial appearance of bonding actually reflects the child being used by the narcissistic parent as a «regulating other» to maintain the narcissistic parent's own grandiose self - image as the ideal and perfect parent / (person).
«The difference between narcissistic personality structure and borderline personality organization is that in the narcissistic personality there is an integrated, although highly pathological grandiose self... The integration of this pathological, grandiose self compensates for the lack of integration of the normal self - concept which is part of the underlying borderline personality organization: it explains the paradox of relatively good ego functioning and surface adaptation in the presence of a predominance of splitting mechanisms, a related constellation of primitive defenses, and the lack of integration of object representations in these patients.»
The narcissistic - style personality, on the other hand, has been able to develop a fragile psychological defense against the direct experience of these core beliefs through a grandiose self - inflation in which the narcissistic - style personality entirely devalues the importance of others as a means to assert self - superiority and suppress fears of abandonment (i.e., «You're inadequate, I'm wonderful.
«The pathological grandiose self compensates for the general «ego - weakening» effects of the primitive defensive organization, a common characteristic of narcissistic personalities and patients with borderline personality organization, and explains the fact that narcissistic personalities may present an overt functioning that ranges from the borderline level to that of better integrated types of character pathology.»
The difference between a narcissistic and borderline personality organization is simply that the borderline personality directly and continuously experiences this fundamental self - inadequacy and abandonment fear, which leads to tremendous ongoing disruptions to self - identity and problematic affect regulation, whereas the narcissistic personality has created a psychological defense of grandiose self - inflation against the experience of core - self inadequacy and abandonment fears, thereby allowing for greater superficial self - cohesion and superficial affect regulation (as long as the narcissistic defense holds).
He is famous for his grandiose self - concept, his delusional faith in his own choices, and his defensive self - righteousness in the face of setbacks, not to mention his tiger blood and Adonis DNA.
The claim smacks of grandiose self - delusion.
I, for one, am really tired of hearing about the grandiose self - publishing plans from the «ocean of genre imitations if not amateurish writing.»
Like Trump, de Blasio lashes out bitterly and petulantly at anybody with the temerity to puncture this bloated and grandiose self - image, especially if that anybody happens to be a reporter.
Addiction is an extreme form of behaviour that employs existing neuronal networks that produce manic behaviour, manifested as elation, increased cognition and grandiose self - perceptions.
As his reality situation becomes increasingly grim, X requires an increasingly grandiose self - concept to protect his alcoholic ego.
Alcohol facilitates psychological regression to this position of magical power and grandiose self - sufficiency.

Not exact matches

The CrowdMed cofounder thinks women in the technology industry need to be take a cue from the men around them and be more arrogant and grandiose in their self - assessments.
Not according to new science, which paint a more nuanced picture of whether organizations (and individuals) should always steer clear of the grandiose and self - admiring.
Ryan is an okay guy with a grandiose sense of self only outmatched by a desire to stay current.
Mead calls this rather absurd scene — that of filming people watching film — the ultimate manifestation of Bridezilla culture: «an exercise in self - regard so grandiose that it has collapsed in upon itself.»
Paranoia is, among other things, a stratagem for avoiding that self - destruction by designing oneself as the grandiose hero who, against a hostile world, possesses the explanation of explanations that survives every doubt and denial.
Learning sobriety: Loss of freedom (to drink in moderation) accepted; gi ~ ve and take of real personal relations replaces grandiose behavior; regains acceptance of family and friends; sense of humor replaces self - pity; learning to cope with anxious or depressed states.
By thus attacking her, he maintains his grandiose illusion of self - sufficiency.
There is no explanation other than these people are idiots and must have IQ's of 40... Just another ridiculous example of self gratifying behavior and false grandiose beliefs of oneself.
But while the AKBs (no such thing btw but I will stick to the accepted labelling for now) are generally grounded in the real world the AOBs have a capacity to veer toward astounding self - importance, grandiose pontification and astonishing delusional tendencies — I am sure psychiatrists will have a syndrome to describe this mental state.
For Lane Fox, however, self - deprecation outweighs any semblance of boastfulness, as she recoils at «grandiose» terms such as «pioneer» or «philanthropist».
The checklist's 20 items include glibness / superficial charm, grandiose sense of self - worth, need for stimulation / proneness to boredom, pathological lying, conning / manipulation, lack of remorse / guilt, shallow affect, callousness / lack of empathy, parasitic lifestyle, promiscuous sexual behavior, early behavior problems, lack of realistic, long - term goals, impulsivity, failure to accept responsibility, many short - term marital relationships, juvenile delinquency and criminal versatility.
Data from 2011 suggest that vulnerable, but not grandiose, narcissism is linked to suicidal thinking, self - harm and emotional distress.
Although the extreme self - promotion of grandiose narcissists can be dangerous, such self - focus in moderate doses may be advantageous when it comes to professional success and leadership.
Despite all their self - absorbed, grandiose bragging, narcissists are actually very insecure and fearful of not measuring up.
It's fine to have high self - esteem, but during a manic phase people with bipolar disorder sometimes experience grandiose thoughts and an inflated sense of self - importance.
People have episodes of depression, but the manic phases aren't as serious or destructive as in bipolar I. For example, instead of being grandiose or delusional, the person may be extremely self - confident, cocky, or ambitious.
This vampire is grandiose, self - important, attention hogging, and hungry for admiration.
Age of Ultron has self - aware laughs, grandiose themes and the best effects that money can buy.
«The Disaster Artist» is about the nerve of creators who dare to put pieces of themselves up on the screen and how it takes some lack of self - awareness in order to tempt that hubris to do something so grandiose.
If I'd gone to war at the age of eighteen and come home without firing a shot, I suspect I'd have written something as vapid, grandiose, and self - conscious as Anthony Swofford's memoir Jarhead, the story of a ground war that never really materialized (and wouldn't until the son of that era's president decided to bring to climax what daddy'd coaxed to erection).
Admittedly the bar has been greatly lowered when approaching any new film from M. Night Shyamalan, quondam wunderkind of cinema, whose SIXTH SENSE left us breathless with delight, and whose subsequent work left us more and more dismayed as the work deteriorated from the thoughtfully disturbing SIGNS, through the kitsch of THE VILLAGE, the silliness of THE HAPPENING, the self - indulgence of THE LADY IN THE WATER, THE LAST AIRBENDER, which left us gasping in shocked disbelief at its grandiose ineptitude, and finally the legendary disaster that was AFTER.EARTH, a film rumored to have been directed more by star Will Smith than by director - for - hire Shyamalan.
Written by Johnny B Truant and Sean Platt, two parts of the trio behind the Self - Publishing Podcast and prolific writers in their own right, — it's truly a breath of fresh air — no grandiose promises of immediate success or wealth accumulation — instead a logical step - by - step approach to building a long - term, and hopefully profitable, writing career as an Indie Author.
Every so often authors immersed in the traditional world of publishing pop their heads above the precipice and make grandiose statements about independent publishing, the retail book trade, and, in particular, self - publishing and self - published authors... Orange Prize - winner Ann Patchett is the latest author to share her wisdom on publishing and the use of self - publishing services by authors.
Self - publishing is a not a grandiose dream, no matter how much hoopla we pile on it.
Written by Johnny B Truant and Sean Platt, two parts of the trio behind the Self - Publishing Podcast and prolific writers in their own right, — it's truly a breath of fresh air — no grandiose promises of immediate success or wealth accumulation — instead a logical step - by - step approach to building a long term, and hopefully profitable, writing career as an Indie Author.
In 1929, the former kingdoms of Bali were restored to their hereditary ruler as self governing territories in a grandiose ceremony at Besakih.
Self - restraint and collaboration keep a boss battle from getting too grandiose or controller - breakingly difficult, but that's not as easy a process as it sounds.
I wouldn't describe her pen marks as child - like or naïve, but insistently selfish, dramatic, referring somehow to a grandiose teenage sense of self.
When defenders use words like grandiose, hermetic, and self - involved as compliments, I start to distrust it much more.
Informed by her «Rear Screen Projection» series from the early 1980s (the artist's first foray into color photography), these gigantic self - portraits bring to mind the scale of Hollywood as well as the artistic movements that have continually mined its grandiose clichés.
His penchant for the slight is as much a byproduct of an allergy to the self - important, grandiose and monumental as it is a preference for the personal, lived and intimate.
So do a few dogmatic politicians (Gore) and airhead celebs in need of a cause sufficiently grandiose to validate their self - importance.
«Underneath the feelings of insecurity, self - criticism, and inferiority that patients with borderline personality organization present, one can frequently find grandiose and omnipotent trends.
Has a grandiose sense of self - importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).
The child's behavior is referred to in such statements as «Child has a grandiose sense of self - importance» and «Child «forgets» parental instructions or directives.»
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