Sentences with phrase «grant competitions just»

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«Every startup competition has their own goals that are much bigger than just giving free money away to startup founders,» says Jonathan Allen, President and co-founder of Longneck & Thunderfoot (L&T), a content marketing firm and previous winner of a $ 50,000 Arch Grant.
CIHR said it would mitigate the bias against younger researchers by allocating them 15 % of available Foundation grants, yet they received just 4 % of the money awarded in the competition, adds Michael Hendricks, co-founder of the Association of Canadian Early Career Health Researchers and assistant professor of biology at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
Under Steiner's leadership, the Empire State had come back from a 15th place finish in the first round of the Race to the Top (RttT) grant competition to win — just six months later — a $ 700 million grant in round two.
Teacher and principal evaluation systems were just one component of those plans, and nearly 90 percent of a plan's score in the grant competition was awarded for elements other than evaluation and compensation systems.
On March 29, the U.S. Department of Education announced that Tennessee was one of just two states to receive a Race to the Top (RTTT) grant in the first phase of the competition.
Coming Soon: Race to the Top Round Three Winners Seven states (Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) that just missed winning grants in Race to the Top's second round are now competing for much smaller awards in the $ 200 million Race to the Top Round Three (RTTT3) competition.
The U.S. Department of Education just launched its $ 150 million 2013 Investing in Innovation (i3) grant competition to help school districts and nonprofit and school partnerships implement innovative ideas that improve student learning.
«Not only did we make gains with the Race to the Top early learning challenge, we just won one of 13 preschool expansion grants in a competitive national competition — $ 19 million over four years with a focus on low income children.
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