Sentences with phrase «granting institutions for»

CIBIL's aim is to fulfil the need of credit granting institutions for comprehensive credit information by collecting, collating and disseminating credit information pertaining to both commercial and consumer borrowers, to a closed user group of Members.

Not exact matches

Many of the structures and institutions he helped pioneer more than a century ago — in - house sales teams; geographic sales territories; sales conferences; quotas; training academies — we now take for granted.
The next frontier As such, drones have quietly been making inroads in the Arctic for the past several years, mostly under clearances granted to research institutions like the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
H.B. 929 Status: Failed Relates to promotion of cybersecurity in the Commonwealth, initiates several efforts to promote economic development, research and development, and workforce development of the cybersecurity industry in the Commonwealth, creates two new matching grant funds, adds one administered by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority for private entities that collaborate with one or more public institutions of higher education on research and development related to cybersecurity.
These commenters asserted that unless the Department took such an approach, it could be forced to grant a series of short extensions, which would produce serious frictional costs, protracted uncertainty (for advisers, financial institutions, and retirement investors), wasted expenses on interim and conditional compliance efforts, and unnecessary market disruption.
Finally, GFI works with grant - making institutions, corporations, and governments to mobilize resources for research in synthetic and plant biology and tissue engineering.
If 12 - year old Victoria Grant can explain how banks that print our nation's currency and their puppet global banks are the most immoral criminal institutions on our planet responsible for oppression, mass suffering, and misery, shame on anyone else that is too lazy and / or too misanthropic to take the time -LSB-...]
In fact, we already do that in a number of areas — Pell grants for poor college students, child care to the parent, not a religious institution, and the parent freely chooses a school that is secular, Buddhist, Baptist and so on.
Of course such an alteration involves for hierarchy and rank and file an uncomfortable period of transition: the old and well - tried is no longer there; the new has not yet got into its stride, has not yet become something that is taken for granted without discussion; the intellectual and religious attitudes necessarily required if the new institutions are to succeed have first slowly to develop.
No such institution - questioning took place; it was simply taken for granted that the child would have to measure up.
The platform planks for «32 embodied a number of Century concerns: U.S. adherence to the World Court protocol; U.S. entry into the League of Nations, provided that its covenant be amended to eliminate military sanctions; U.S. recognition of the Soviet Union (which was granted a year later); the safeguarding of the rights of conscientious objectors (including those denied citizenship, such as Canadian - born theologian D. C. Macintosh of Yale Divinity School); the abolition of compulsory military training in state - supported educational institutions other than military and naval academies; emergency measures for relief and public - works employment; the securing of constitutional rights for minorities; the reduction of gross inequality of income by steeply progressive rates of taxation on large incomes; «progressive socialization of the ownership and control of natural resources, public utilities and basic industries»; «the nationalization of our entire banking system»; and so on (June 8, 1932).
He shows that the secularist takes our political institutions for granted while ignoring the logic of theology — that political discussion depends upon justice, that justice depends upon ethics, and that ethics is grounded in theology.
The religious institutions which formed such people and continued to claim their loyalty took public responsibility in this sense for granted, The churches preached a gospel which supported responsible lives without needing to draw their members deeply into esoteric spiritual disciplines or arcane theological issues.
The church can no longer take it for granted that many institutions are working together to teach the faith to persons like Paula.
As long as it could be taken for granted that Protestantism was culturally dominant or that it ought to be dominant, the goal of church - related institutions was to shape the whole society according to Protestant standards.
The fact that slavery, like polygamy, was taken for granted is disguised in our English Versions by the euphemisms «man - servant» and «maid - servant,» but in the Hebrew there is no mistaking the established institution of slavery with its characteristic customs and consequences.
Even when liberalism became so widespread among the educated classes, as it did by the end of the nineteenth century, that it was almost taken for granted, it was by no means securely institutionalized among the masses, as the rise of socialist, Catholic and fascist parties uncertainly or not at all committed to democratic institutions would subsequently show.
Nevertheless, these states demonstrated their friendliness for the Christian religion through the payment of chaplains» salaries and through the granting of tax exemption to religious institutions.
The school will be on probation for the next 12 months, and if the board doesn't think UNC has progressed toward cleaning things up, it could lose its status as a degree - granting institution.
Fulfilling its dream of becoming an independent, degree - granting institution, in 1987 the Waldorf Institute applied for a charter as Sunbridge College from the Board of Regents of The State University of New York.
The Chicago Park District is planning to dig up its front yard for an open - air garden show in Grant Park in May where area landscape architects, nurseries and institutions can demonstrate techniques for urban gardeners and spread Chicago's reputation as a green city.
Grants for special post-16 institutions.
For maintained schools this funding is passported through local authorities as the sixth - form grant, for other institutions it is paid directly to them by EFor maintained schools this funding is passported through local authorities as the sixth - form grant, for other institutions it is paid directly to them by Efor other institutions it is paid directly to them by EFA.
To be eligible for consideration for ESFA grant funding in academic year 2018 to 2019, new institutions must have been included within the high needs place change notification workbook returned by the LA in which the institution's main premises are situated (the «home LA») to ESFA.
Give details of any sponsorship from formula firms for study or research grants or to attend professional conferences, which will then be displayed on their institution's website for three years
Further, even if we were to grant that Pettit is right to characterise the republican tradition as united by freedom as non-domination, the case for his preferred counter-majoritarian institutions would remain weak.
But today's report by the University and College Union (UCU) found that the stated cuts to teaching grants for subjects in the arts or humanities will mean institutions need to charge far above the # 6,000 threshold.
Until now, needy rabbinical college students in undergraduate institutions were eligible for federal «Pell grants» to help defer the costs of tuition, but not for New York State tuition assistance grants.
The institution of ratification grants states the necessary time - frame to seek the required approval for the treaty on the domestic level and to enact the necessary legislation to give domestic effect to that treaty.
Research Grants for Research Institutions and Farmers A centerpiece of Governor Cuomo's agenda is a $ 5 million commitment to support research into the production of industrial hemp in New York.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Monday announced more than $ 35 million in grants for capital projects at higher education institutions across the state.
In March 2016, for example, the Cuomo administration announced the awards of $ 1.6 billion in health care grants to 162 recipients.66 Of that amount, about a quarter, or $ 386 million, went to hospitals on the Health Department's «watch list» of fiscally distressed institutions.
And the coalition shall not and will never accommodate or take for granted, any action that is targeted at undermining the institution, as it has become obvious now.
According to the college, the matching grant will build the institution's endowment and expand programming for students, faculty, and visitors.
«The announcement of this grant program highlights Governor Cuomo's commitment to foster collaboration and coordination among state agencies, municipalities, not - for - profits and educational institutions to minimize the harm aquatic invasive species cause to New York's environment, economy, natural resources and human health,» Acting Commissioner Seggos said.
Additionally, for this grant opportunity, each Community Network must secure a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with a local postsecondary education institution, local business or community - based organization.
«The state Supreme Court had already granted our request for summary judgment determining that Trump and his University are liable for operating illegally in New York as an unlicensed educational institution
It will be appreciated if capital grants are released to the institution as at when due for the rehabilitation of the classrooms, offices, workshops and laboratories.
President Akufo - Addo congratulated the University Council of UMaT for its decision, in accordance with the Statutes of the University, to rename the institution after George Alfred Grant, the legendary Axim - born entrepreneur, «Paa Grant».
Three Long Island colleges are being awarded state funds for campus capital projects — sharing in $ 35 million in construction grants to 29 private, nonprofit institutions statewide, the governor's office announced yesterday.
The state announced a total of $ 5.7 million to be distributed in two - and three - year grants for nine spinal cord research projects statewide, with the bulk going to downstate institutions.
Last November, the LMDC announced that cultural institutions in lower Manhattan could apply for $ 17 million of available grant money.
He thanked the Governor for granting 75 per cent waiver on revenue payable by the institution to the State Government, saying the gesture, among other laudable initiatives, were worth commending and shows his passion for the development of the education sector.
He also pointed out that many of the affected cultural institutions already have to scrap for a majority of their funding through donations and grants, so every dollar counts.
The Minister also stated that, capitation grants for some institutions in the country which have been in arrears for quite a long time, are being cleared by government.
Getting the Starting Grant «was an important step in my career,» says Ferreira, who today contributes to strategic decisions at his institution and encourages other researchers working there to apply for ERC grants.
Principal investigators (PIs) at European institutions with 2 to 9 years of postdoctoral experience were invited to compete for 5 years of funding — as much as 2 million euros — via Starting Independent Researcher Grants.
In early February, the National Science Foundation announced new standards for its research grants, under which grantees could have their funds suspended or revoked if their institution finds that a grantee has committed harassment.
Committee members and Pascal reminded attendees that for the past 2 years ORI has attempted to rectify the situation by awarding grants for «Research on Research Integrity,» as well as grants to help defray the costs of implementing RCR courses at institutions.
The Athena Project, which is a UK - wide initiative that aims to increase the number of women working in science, engineering, and technology (SET) at all levels of higher education (HE), and to improve their career development, awards development grants to HE institutions for pilot projects that address those aims.
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