Sentences with phrase «granular details about»

This data would have given more granular details about what would be potential voters.
Unfortunately, most smartphone - makers don't share granular detail about their camera components and sensor size, so until we test them, the quality is largely up in the air.
The book doesn't go into granular detail about events before and after the historic strike.

Not exact matches

The stolen documents revealed a series of details about Iran's nuclear weapons research in the early 2000s, granular proof that Iran had been — contrary to its public statements — actively pursuing a bomb.
«Last night I had a very in - depth conversation with a number of very committed, focused local elected officials from the city of Hartford and I was edified in so many ways, in detail, on a granular level, of some of the fiscal challenges far beyond the knowledge that I had on this topic,» Ganim told an audience of about 50 people.
The school requires a system that will house this information for years into the future, or upon request and Brightspace provides them with the security of having student data available to deliver granular information about each students» grades or other relevant details.
Featuring articles on whole rooms as well as more granular details like lamps and ceiling fans, Interior Design is a blog that's all about - you guessed it - interior design.
The above covers data, but in its most granular sense — facts about individuals, or login details, are a risk in themselves.
In its tone - deaf blog post trying to defang user concerns about its SMS / call metadata tracking, Facebook doesn't go into any meaningful detail about exactly why it wants this granular information — merely writing vaguely that: «Contact importers are fairly common among social apps and services as a way to more easily find the people you want to connect with.»
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