Sentences with phrase «graph represents»

Each point on the graph represents the number of homes that have been for sale over the course of the last 12 months.
The number on the graph represents the average annual home insurance cost for each city.
The number on each graph represents that city's average annual home insurance premium.
The number on the graph represents the average annual insurance premium for the neighborhood:
Going back again to shorter term trends, this above graph represents the moving 12 - month trends over the critical 31 months for the last 2 major El Niños: 1998 and 2016.
The horizontal access in this graph represents political ideology (specifically, support for an unregulated free market, free of interference from government).
That is not correct, this graph represents the ice north - east of Canada between Canada and Greenland.
Given that the X axis scale is constant, the first graph represents 0.6 °C ∙ year of unit area.
Government waste on climate issues has been ginormous, which this graph represents the foundation for the massive «climate science» expenditures.
The blue and gray fuzz around the hockey stick graph represents data from various other sources, afaik.
The graph represents the findings of a 2015 metastudy in Science by climate ecologist Mark Urban of the University of Connecticut.
The graph represents the aggregated responses of 18 - 24 year old adults of Generation X and Millennials from 1989 to 2014 when asked about the frequency they had sex in the past year.
This graph represents pretty good decisions in every case.
«EAFE» in this graph represents stocks from foreign developed markets, and «EM» represents stocks from emerging markets.
Where each lines terminates on the right of the graph represents the end value of your portfolio after 50 years of annual spending withdrawals.
The upper graph represents the numerator, the excess return over the risk - free rate.
By default, the line graph represents only the accumulated sales of each day, which is good for trends, but useless for an actual analysis.
This graph represents all KIPP Delta Public Schools students who took the MAP test in fall of 2014 and again in spring of 2015.
The red portion in the above graph represents the initial Salesforce training given to the employee, which could be via instructor - led classroom training or a workshop.
Using the midpoint of the separate ranges of family income depicted in the graphs, the following graph represents the proportion of family income spent on center - based care for one child conditional on level of family income.
Understand how a frequency polygon / time series graph represents frequency.
Each bar in the graph represents the effect of an SFJ, that is, the within - district change in spending after the decision, for each category of partisan control and district poverty.
By the end of the powerpoint students would have covered: Use and rearrange the Speed equation; Describe how the gradient of a distance — time graph represents the speed; Describe the motion of an object by interpreting distance — time graphs.
Each spoke on the Protein Quality graph represents one of the nine essential amino acids, and the graph shows how close the protein in your diet is to the optimal distribution of amino acids recommended by the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board.
Each graph represents one animal, with the untreated monkeys shown in the left column and the treated animals on the right.
This graph represents the history and domestication of yeast used for making beer and other types of alcohol are revealed through genomic and phenotypic analyses.
Each line on the graph represents monthly exports over 12 months, through July, of the five most important industries whose international shipments correlate strongly with the dollar.
Bar graphs represent skills and languages; a Google Analytics - style map shows his educational background, and his «Experience» section allows potential employers to click on the various positions to get more information about each of his roles.
The large blocks of blue areas reaching the top of the graph represent periods of widespread economic growth, such as the late - 1980's and -1990's, when the leading indicators for all four regions were positive.
This is a weekly graph representing the Toronto index.
Check and recheck that all information is consistent, that the images and graphs represent what you say they represent.
Bar graphs represent the levels of cytokines secreted per 1 × 106 stimulated CD4 + T cells.
In the resulting graph representing the brain network, some subsets of nodes may be highly interconnected among themselves, effectively forming communities of nodes.
Interestingly enough, the graphs representing consumption of vegetable oils and fats in the last 100 years look strangely similar to the graph showing heart disease rates:
But what do they think graphs represent?
Represent how each attribute can change: Graphs represent more than one attribute.
This problem provides a visual context in which to consider how speed — time graphs represent movement over time.
Both graphs represent about 625 sales.
Data points that fall in the upper left portion of the graph represent powerful rallies on contracting volume.
Data that fall in the upper left portion of the graph represent periods where the market bottomed with little fanfare, and the rally that followed was similiarly uninspiring.
The figures in the graph represent the average home insurance rate in each city.
The figures listed in the graph represent the average homeowners insurance rate for each city.
Graphs represent a pooled data analysis including all breeds.
But that in itself doesn't rule out the possibility of an underlying trend that would correlate with the monotonic trend we see in graphs representing the steady increase in CO2 emissions.
It is the data the graphs represent that matter, not whether you or I may think they are pretty or ugly.
'' the graph is not confusing»... From your experience flying aircraft, please tell all of us, what the dark ticks on the graph represent, and what the light ones represent.
The lines on the graph represent a central estimate of global average temperature rise (relative to the 1901 - 1960 average) for the two main scenarios used in this report.
The horizontal lines at the right - hand side of each graph represent the mean temperature of each model from 1961 to 1990 before all models were shifted to the same mean for the temperature anomaly scale at the left.
But this is because so much political capital is invested in the direction of lines on graphs representing weather statistics.
However, the rather dramatic late 20th century rise shown in the graph (reproduced at Deltoid), is at least in part due to the choice of the 21 Gaussian filter with reflected endpoints — now, objectively smoothing series is a non-trivial task, but it does bear keeping in mind that what McIntyre has graphed represents only on particular way of doing so, and one that tends to emphasize the end of the series.
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