Sentences with phrase «graphic representation of»

The selected site appears on the WebCopier browser on the right - hand side of your monitor and a graphic representation of the site's «content tree» appears on the left - hand side.
Depending on what channel you dial into, you could see through the walls of the home to view its wiring or plumbing (this is called architectural anatomy); look under the house to see if it was built over an underground lake, a native burial ground or large mineral deposit; view property lines, rights of way, underground cables... you could even see a graphic representation of radiation levels within a 100 meter radius of the structure.
Distress Thermometer (DT): uses a graphic representation of a thermometer, generating a 1 - 10 uni-dimensional rating of how distressed the respondent has felt in the past week.
A genogram is a schematic or graphic representation of a client's family tree.
As shown in this example, the graphic representation of a sentence displays immediate value to the reader, while conserving words.
A graphic representation of my cards appeared within the Wallet app showing the last four digits, but like a proximity - sensing Wallet flight reservation, I never had to dig into this menu again.
Instead, the program offers a Threat Map, a nice graphic representation of where the malware action is worldwide.
«That said, there's a particular challenge in figuring out a graphic representation of non-evident or «invisible» disabilities like mental illness, and I'm looking forward to seeing how these are tackled in the future.»
Whether it is a detailed report, a high - level executive summary or a graphic representation of current status, dashboard packages can be customized and scoped to provide a single report or multiple reports, with a mix of complexity or drill - down capabilities based on your specific needs.
(To see an interesting graphic representation of the kind of warming scientists expect, check out this cartoon.)
The duck curve is a graphic representation of a mismatch between the time when a large supply of solar power comes onto the California grid and when the system demands power.
He started research in the dynamic theory of atmospheric movement, systematic daily observation of the basic meteorological conditions, intensive calculation of predictions and graphic representation of meteorological change, and timely weather forecasts.
The result is a graphic representation of the amount of water content the forest canopy has lost since 2011, they say.
The @ symbol comes from a graphic representation of a Roman vessel, the amphora, written as an abbreviated «a» with a flourished tail surrounding it.
Beyond the graphic representation of their toils, the works reveal the humanity of the miners and their suffering.
Here the artist will present a widespread work constructed from over 500,000 drinking cups; drawn from topographical images, the result is a graphic representation of land surface in a rolling, wandering form.
The graphic representation of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao building is a registered trademark belonging to the GMBF, ownership of which gives it the exclusive right to economic exploitation.
Logos are signs, marks of identity designed for easy recognition, that function as a graphic representation of a company, brand or organisation.
For starters, on the box, the graphic representation of the game along with the title takes up significantly more space than the number, which is different.
The real gem of this game is in its graphic representation of the water and fauna.
The Thai Airways logo is a graphic representation of the stamen of the Purple Crown Flower or Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) with the petals removed.
Perusing around the site the other day I cam across their new «Explore» feature which, as you can see above, is a graphic representation of the cheapest flights around from a particular destination (based on other users» purchases in the last 48 hours).
On the left is a graphic representation of a normal left ventricle and on the right is an enlarged (concentric hypertrophy) left ventricle as noted in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
The graphic representation of various parameters makes it easier for you to understand what impacts your credit wellbeing.
A graphic representation of the relationship among yields of similar bonds of differing maturities.
A graphic representation of market yield for a fixed income security plotted against the maturity of the security.
But as I recall this was done after the ebook was a sensation, so people could read it on a plane without being embarrassed by a more, er, graphic representation of the plot.
Below is an example of an infographic, in this case, a graphic representation of complex information (how to publish a book the easy, high - quality way).
Ignore the obnoxious disco soundtrack here, but this video offers a graphic representation of how that system works:
In a graphic representation of the four wheels, arrows indicate the distribution of driving torque to each wheel: this is not only entertaining, but also technologically informative about these systems» contribution to the driving experience.
The charts are a graphic representation of the cumulative information since the Pilot Program began.
The video also features a lower - third with a graphic representation of where the car is on the track, a G - meter, and a virtual speedometer.
The Quantile map provides a graphic representation of mathematical skills and concepts aligned with their strands and Quantile measures.
Here we introduce the concept of blended learning and have the opportunity to showcase a graphic representation of the learning philosophy that is one of the cornerstones of our designs.
A Visual Map: First, they create a graphic representation of their lives from infancy to the present.
The test will then use these responses to create a personalised Careers Cloud, a downloadable graphic representation of careers particularly suited to the individual concerned.
To intentionally teach soft skills, a teacher may put students together in homogenous groups by skill level to create a graphic representation of this event.
â $ When we were first working on the toon shaded Link, and that graphic representation of the Hyrule world, because it was such a drastic change, we actually kept it a secret from Mr. Miyamoto in the beginning.
Your attacks lack any real weight or feedback besides a graphic representation of your enemy's health bar being chipped away and the control scheme just feels clunky to operate; games like Hotline Miami show that tight controls are an integral part of creating an enjoyable top - down shooter and Neon Chrome just doesn't manage to pull this off, which is detrimental to the experience as a whole.
Released by United Artists in 1980, William Friedkin's notorious thriller about a straight cop (Al Pacino) who goes undercover in New York's hardcore gay leather scene to catch a serial killer remains to this day the most graphic representation of queer culture to come out of Hollywood.
A spectrogram is a graphic representation of the frequencies of the voice spectrum, as they change in time while a word or sound is produced.
A map page provides a graphic representation of your track and nearby way points.
Typically the process of tracking cell lineage over time requires biologists to watch the time - lapse images and note by hand when the cells multiply - creating a graphic representation of cell division over time called a «lineage tree.»
A graphic representation of the Lie group E8 reveals a symmetric structure far more complicated than the human genome.
Here are a few images which I found online which seem to show what I am saying in a graphic representation of our three parts:
Here's a graphic representation of why we should be concerned with what countries other than the U.S. think about us:
While it may smack as blasphemy to seasoned presenters, research has shown that individuals exposed to a graphic representation of a message pay more attention to it, agree more with it, and better recall it compared with people shown a bulleted list of text.
This kind of section is critical and helpful not only for creative types (for whom Action Method Books were originally created) but also the rest of us in the business world who find ourselves drawing business models and other graphic representations of our strategies all the time.
This Psalm declares boldly that «He has not abandoned the afflicted» (vs. 24)... Psalm 22 is probably one of the most graphic representations of exactly what was going on and Jesus is declaring the reality to everyone who can hear it... by only speaking the first phrase his hearers would immediately know the rest of the Psalm and understand... the Psalm ends with the same phrasing that Jesus ends with, he says «It is finished» the psalm says «He has done it»... its easy to miss - see from a Greek model rather than the Hebraic model... God di not forsake Him... that is not what the Father is like... not even slightly.
Can't be done, we could only make graphic representations of known attributes.
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