Sentences with phrase «grasp by faith»

We grasp this by faith which only gradually and always imperfectly in this life becomes conformed to the Spirit of love.
What are the truths that we have to grasp by faith?
This is quite as clear to the knight of faith, so the only thing that can save him is the absurd, and this he grasps by faith.

Not exact matches

Only a mature, paschal faith — an Easter faith — can perceive who Jesus is, understand what Jesus taught, and grasp what Jesus has accomplished by his obedience to the Father.
In theology, although the mind's ability to grasp the order and design in nature is adopted by, taken up into, and elevated to new heights by the faith of Christianity, that ability precedes faith, as Romans 1:19 - 20 makes clear.
This transition is effected by the death of the abstract and alien God in the kenotic process of Incarnation and Crucifixion; but a religious form of faith can only grasp this process as a series of events that are autonomous and external to human consciousness.
Two sentences in the discussion of reason in the earlier version of the report could be taken to support the use of such analysis: «By reason we relate our witness to the full range of human knowledge and experience,» and «By our quest for reasoned understandings of Christian faith we seek to grasp and express the gospel in a way that will commend itself to thoughtful persons who are seeking to know and follow God's ways.»
If this can be grasped by those who have no faith, why can it not be grasped by those who claim they do?
Of course these laws can be grasped only by intuitive faith — which is why ecology has become a religion, and why the battle over mundane issues like dams or highways is at bottom a holy war.
He boldly maintains that theological assertions are not grasped merely by some blind «decision of faith
I get the feeling, based on the posts I've read by you, that you feel you are a far better Christian with a better grasp of the faith than anyone alive.
We may need to look at the world through the eyes of the shared expectations of a tradition and community of faith and hope if we are to be grasped by the substance of revelation.
And first, as regards the intellect, there are added certain supernatural principles, which are grasped by divine illumination; these arethings to be believed, and faith is to do with them» iTla 2ae q 62 a 3.
It was exciting to see the group grasp the idea that they were faced with two options: either try to keep the whole law (which was impossible) or accept justification by faith in Jesus.
The second century is the period before the «peasant Jesus [is] grasped... by imperial faith... a progress that happened so fast and moved so swiftly, that was accepted so readily and criticised so lightly....»
[69] The second century is the period before the «peasant Jesus [is] grasped... by imperial faith... a progress that happened so fast and moved so swiftly, that was accepted so readily and criticised so lightly....»
But for the man also who does not so much as reach faith life has tasks enough, and if one loves them sincerely, life will by no means be wasted, even though it never is comparable to the life of those who sensed and grasped the highest.
The infinite resignation is the last stage prior to faith, so that one who has not made this movement has not faith; for only in the infinite resignation do I become clear to myself with respect to my eternal validity, and only then can there be any question of grasping existence by virtue of faith.
This way of understanding the human person, which stems from the unique dignity of the person created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26 - 27) and called to eternal redemption in Christ, is rooted in revelation, but it can be appreciated or grasped as true even by those who do not share our faith, on the basis of natural moral law.6
We might now complain of the critic motivated by a disdain for a faith he can not grasp, a hope he can not hold, and a love he can not feel.
Muslims — who do not like to be called Muhammadans because they think it implies a misunderstanding of the place of the Prophet in their faith — have themselves tended to encourage oversimplification by claiming that Islam may be quickly grasped by accepting the Fundamentals and following the simple list of Consequences they imply.
And then there were bishops like Karol Wojtyła of Kraków, who grasped that the dignity of the human person was the battleground on which «the Church in the modern world» was contesting with various dangerous forces for the human future; who thought that coercion of consciences violated that human dignity; and who believed that the act of faith must be free if it is to be true, because the God of the Bible wants to be adored by people who freely choose to do so.
In the part beyond human conscious, where a person can't instantaneously grasp cause and effect, that's where faith leads to the poetic and sometimes seemingly delusional metaphors, used by religion to describe God or whatever aspect is just beyond perception when the person only has incomplete information, but still needs something to help us retain what understanding they're starting to build.
seems to me that we should be wiser if we did not here use the term «orthodoxy» at all; rather, we should speak of the truth which Christian faith grasps and by which the Christian believer is grasped.
Philosophy was to stick to its world, and theology would keep to its territory of revealed truth, grasped not by the reason but by faith.
But in an emergent, hierarchical universe faith is the kind of knowing whereby we at the human level of evolution leave ourselves open to being grasped by a more encompassing field of influence.13 In the cosmic hierarchy the lower can not comprehend the higher.
In this Biffi depicted Anselm's perspective as, contrary to much modern emphasis, grasping that «reality as a whole is much greater than we grasp through simple natural understanding, substantiated solely by sensory experience, inductive and deductive reasoning, mathematical calculation -LSB-...] faith not only is not separable from reason, and does not harm it, but is even the greatest and highest exercise of our intellectual faculty.»
It is a term used by people grasping at straws to continue dismissing evolution even as the evidence builds faster than ever at the gene sequencing level (ie, most of you agree that drug resistant bacteria have evolved but the term MACRO evolution is misused intentionally so you could continue to dismiss science to save faith; pun intended).
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