Sentences with phrase «gratification just»

Instant gratification just doesn't work in some situations.

Not exact matches

That the bragging happened a decade ago doesn't change the reality that a man who might be president sees half the country's population not just as objects for his own aesthetic gratification — we knew that thanks to the beauty pageants and the string of model wives — but objects for his physical gratification as well, regardless of how the women in question feel about it.
Sussing out a candidate's capacity for delayed gratification, according to Vernon, is all about discovering, «are you in it for building enterprise value and an eventual exit or are really just a cowboy that wants to get paid a lot and likes saying you work at a start - up because it's sexy?»
Web audiences seek immediate gratification when they visit sites; rarely will they just casually stumble upon your site.
There is really just one way to fix these problems: sacrifice and delayed gratification.
Let's just pause for a moment and imagine people learning to delay gratification, save money, and purchase everything without borrowing.
Since those heady days, our ability to delay gratification has all but disappeared, with the savings rate averaging just 4.8 % since 1998.
You have been shown time and time and time and time and time again how flawed what you say is, but like I said far above this post, you really just don't care as long as you can proslytize for your own self - gratification.
Video games give you just enough gratification as to keep you playing but not enough that you feel ready to quit.
If you are one of the unlucky 13 or 14 year old virgin girls... you likely just saw your mother, father, and little brother killed before your eyes and the monsters who did this thing now haul your ass home to be repeatedly raped for their sexual gratification.
The social capital that inner - city Catholic schools help build is «spent» in living according to a sense of responsibility for the common good, not just living for immediate gratification.
Don't just go after that which promises immediate gratification or a quick jolt of happiness.
Instant gratification is made easy with technology; we are constantly bombarded with ads and commercials that remind us how much better life could be if we just had more.
It just means he has more respect for women than to use them for physical gratification when he isn't committed to them).
It's perfectly possible to be a part of «slow club» with a mobile in your pocket, just as it's possible to seek instant gratification without a phone.
On the first page, the composer inserted two extra bars just before the main melody returns — gratification is deferred, with the result that we are pulled into the piece that much more intensely.
However, for almost instant gratification, our potato pizza had no tomatoes whatsoever, and was just as delicious.
But often a misunderstood one; he is very pro-Wenger and he just holds a mirror up to the instant gratification crowd with his outlandish off - the - cuff statements, he lampoons a section of supporters who have a very singular way of improving Arsenal FC — buy, buy, buy and buy big and make sure you buy every flavour of the month along the way and if we are ever in doubt then just buy some more players.
I am guessing in this high - tech age with everyone seduced in to binary thinking, looking for the quick fix and instant gratification and with virtual football on tap, we just like all problems to be distilled down to a simple one - dimensional issue.
He's all about instant gratification and he basically just wants to do whatever he wants at all times.
The Marshmallow test isn't just about the ability to «delay gratification,» as it is often described.
The smell just made me happy and that instant gratification was glorious!
I am a bit of an instant gratification kind of girl and I just can't seem to write more than a couple of chapters before the novelty wears off.
Because the baby has become used to instant flow gratification as soon as the bottle touches his or her tongue, they often will not remain at breast long enough to pull milk out, expecting instant flow gratification at breast just as on the bottle.
Just think of the convenience and instant gratification of the blast chiller because the chiller is on - demand, whenever you need it.
In the beginning, teaching was my passion, but I didn't just want to be a teacher; I wanted to be a teacher with a difference, I wanted to teach how to save lives, so I decided to study medicine, that way I get to be a doctor and a teacher at the same time, which I still want to do, but over the years I have come to fall in love with medicine, I want that instant gratification of treating a patient and seeing them get better right in front of you, I mean that is the definition of joy for me.
Just thinking about fast food made study subjects read faster and opt for immediate gratification.
«A person's ability to delay gratification is not just a curiosity, it's integrally important to physical and mental health,» Palmer said.
Marna Thall: If you've never experienced it or if it's been many, many years, then the instant gratification is quite different, so — so I say the way I balance it and look at all of it is — is one, knowing the person, really getting a sense of who this person is that they're not just — I'm not just putting them through a system without knowing who they are and then looking at these different components and trying to balance them on and — and calibrate them because most people, they're usually just a few tweaks.
But isn't there just something so wonderful about instant gratification?
This is not easy for me sometimes as I'm really tempted when I'm horny but you just have to ask yourself, do you want instant gratification or do you want a good sex life because this is teaching me to be patient with myself and my partner again.
The chances are that you're not hungry, your body just wants instant gratification.
I just love the instant gratification factor.
It's just too hard to save money at the end of the month when we live in a world of immediate gratification.
I won't lie, I really loved the delayed gratification of getting a package in the mail, but there's something really fun about going into a store and browsing that you just can't get from a website.
But just because they're set up to deliver on - the - move instant gratification, doesn't mean dating apps aren't a valid option for singles looking to get serious with someone.
They approach work as not just the means to earn a living, but above all a safe refuge from life's calamities and a source of gratification and personal satisfaction.
It is a luxurious, elaborate meal, but one prepared with selfless love and sacrifice, and received with gratitude, not just gratification.
Just the shameless pursuit of immediate gratification.
They assume that they have very busy people who just want some connection to some other cultural source of immediate gratification.
I guess I am his video game personal trainer since his generation is just so used to instant gratification.
We're talking comradely psychic gratification of the permanently available sort, stuff that being a dedicated club member alone — say, an Edsel Ranger Ranger or a regular Studebaker Lark Jamboree attendee — just couldn't possibly offer.
Passive entry unlocks your Regal without the need for a key — proof that instant gratification isn't just limited to the gas pedal.
No waiting until you have a WiFi connection, just instant gratification.
It's just that garnering those book blurbs won't provide you with the gratification that, say, scoring a national TV show appearance to promote your book will.
I have a plan for instant gratification that might work just fine.
Metadata should just be a small part of your overall marketing and PR plan; it is also delayed gratification and won't give you the buzz of seeing your name next to your favourite author however it will yield more results in the long term.
And yet, we all hope that by the time they're 18, our children will be able to not just defer gratification when it comes to the consumer goods they want but also plan a budget, save wisely, and think carefully when taking on debt.
Shopping as a pick - me - up may provide temporary gratification, but you may just end up with an empty wallet and shoes you'll never wear.
You've delayed gratification for years, just add a couple more.
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