Sentences with phrase «grave difficulties»

Such an ethic of self - realization may have grave difficulty in really getting the good of the other person, the loved one, at the center of the agent's concern.
They may have grave difficulties becoming independent, are at risk for major disabilities or may not survive at all.
The tendering round «would have translated into thousands of people facing grave difficulty in obtaining justice — ordinary people who are already facing extraordinary difficulties,» she said.
But when we consider the second type of infinity, that of things growing, we come upon graver difficulties.
It's fair to say Tebbit was not amused: «The Noble Lord opposite speaks very impertinently towards me and other people of my age who would find grave difficulty in cycling on the roads these days.»
But not actively socializing puppies is akin to keeping a child at home without opportunities to play with others or to experience the larger world, then being surprised when that child experiences grave difficulties navigating kindergarten.
Notwithstanding what happens in China, the sad fact is that almost everywhere in the world today, systems properly called capitalist and democratic are facing grave difficulties.
It would seem that if there is a sensori - motor present then if memory ceased we would be left in Russell's «solipsism - of - the - moment», but not in instantaneity.4 But a graver difficulty arises with this passage, for it seems that we have here a surreptitious renewal of the mathematical notion of time.
That Was the Church That Was (I think I can reveal without causing any grave difficulties to anyone) is dominated by factional differences between evangelical conservatives and liberal Catholics, by office politics, by money troubles, and by struggles over homosexuality and over the ordination of women.
The concept of divine coercive power, both in its pure and modified forms, has led to grave difficulties.
The cynicism which Cardinal Dulles describes is a real and grave difficulty.
So with all our grave difficulties we face a world in darkness, lostness and suffering, knowing that we serve Jesus who sends us and that those whom he sends he equips.
While there are tremendous benefits to Big Data — from better preparedness for influenza outbreaks to having more comprehensive understanding of world food needs and distribution capacities — the unregulated acquisition of Big Data also leads to grave difficulties.
Only those «who know nothing about the grave difficulties of art,» wrote art critic Christian Zervos shortly after Bonnard's death, could admire pictures as... read more... «Bonnard: One tough son - of - a-bitch?»
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