Sentences with phrase «gravity pulling on»

The force of gravity pulling on this large mass of water creates a pressure gradient similar to that in an atmospheric high pressure system which in turn leads to a stable, rotating mass of water.
And lastly, dumbbells, combine both versatility to help muscle isolation and the forces of gravity pulling on the free weights to aid in increasing mass.
The compression helps the valves circulate the most where the force of gravity pulls on the blood the strongest.
As Charon's gravity pulls on Pluto, it would pull proportionally more on areas of higher mass, which would tilt the planet until Sputnik Planum became aligned with the tidal axis.
Such work compares an object's inertial mass, which determines how much it resists moving when subjected to a force, and its gravitational mass, which determines how strongly gravity pulls on the thing.
That's enough that its gravity pulls on Pluto pretty hard, so the two actually orbit around the center of mass of the system, called the barycenter.
Face it, that number on the scale only tells you how much gravity pulls on you.
Here's why: Over time gravity pulls on our arm.

Not exact matches

Fuel composes nearly 90 percent of a rocket's weight, and taking off against the pull of Earth's gravity requires an amount of thrust many times greater than what's required on the moon.
«You feel the fluid shift [in your body], kind of like laying heads - down on an incline, because there is no longer gravity pulling your body fluids down into your legs.
Proponents of the space elevator concept point out that the same physics would apply: The pull of gravity on an elevator cable would be offset by Earth's centrifugal force holding it up.
All of them face the same challenge: to lower the cost of overcoming gravity's pricey pull on people or cargo headed for space.
In terms of visibility, your goal is to be in a kind of celestial sweet spot where you are orbiting not too far away from the big planets or the smaller ones (so you can keep an eye on both), but not so close that you get pulled by gravity into them (and crash).
since the Sun is the biggest object in our solar system, it makes sense that it would have the strongest gravitational pull, just as it makes sense that we weigh less / have less gravity on the moon since it is not as large or as dense as the Earth.
it land on your face because gravity pulled it down to your pathetic level.
Some syrup operations use a vacuum to help pull sap from the trees, while others position the sugarhouse downhill from the trees, relying on gravity to gather the sap toward the collection tank.
Starting from scratch pad, Brodeur juggled equations dealing with gravity, air resistance and ball spin, and while his Y = 1/2 GT ¬ ¨ ¬ ® «Äö √ cents ¬ ß (in which Y stands for the downward pull of gravity on the ball from a horizontal plane, G for gravity and T for time) is not on the order of E = mc ¬ ¨ ¬ ® «Äö √ cents ¬ ß, it did prove that the fastest serve possible is 140 mph.
Also helps for baby to sleep on their side (using bolsters to keep them there - we use men's tube socks filled FIRMLY with white rice and then the ends knotted - they're heavy enough to keep a small baby from rolling over and also work as hot / cold packs via microwaving or freezing)- just like sleeping on their left side helps some with indigestion / heart burn during pregnancy (letting gravity pull stuff in / toward the stomach organ and anything trying to go back up has to get past the gravity pull).
As gravity isn't pulling it downwards, you'll need less breast support and it will help baby to latch on better.
Also, try a more laid back position, so rather than having him on his side to feed, try having him lying on his tummy, with you more reclined, so that gravity helps pull him in and helps keep him there, that way he can rest his whole body including head on your body.
The pressure is largest at the ankles, where the pull of the gravity is largest on the blood.
This way the socks help the veins the most where the gravity's pull is the largest on the blood inside the veins.
The use of the Belly Sling prevents gravity from pulling on the belly and stressing the lumbar vertebrae, uterine structure, and posterior muscles.
Pulling on the cord was first recommended by Mauriceau in 1673, who feared that the uterus might close before the placenta was spontaneously delivered.21 In fact, the recumbent (lying) postures, increasingly adopted under doctor's care meant that spontaneous delivery of the placenta was less likely: the upright postures that women and midwives have traditionally used encourage the placenta to fall out with the help of gravity.
This kind of feature is also used with the Cozy Bump in order to cradle the growing belly in a tilted manner, thus reducing pressure and tension on the spine and the posterior and uterine area that is often caused by the downward pull of gravity.
Unlike other fish, which inflate air bladders to adjust their buoyancy on the fly, sharks rely on a skeleton of cartilage and a liver filled with lighter - than - water oil to help beat gravity's pull.
If the universe's expansion was slowing significantly, it would be fair to conclude there was unaccounted gravity pulling it back on itself, with a huge amount of dark matter at the root.
Ongoing work includes reworking the calculations of the physics by factoring in smaller influences on a Mars - bound spacecraft than the pull of gravity from Mars itself, such as Jupiter's gravitational pull.
If dark energy slows and then flips, eventually pulling in tandem with, rather than against, gravity, the Big Crunch — in which our local universe is crushed down into an infinitely small speck — will be back on the cards, although this seems less likely now.
And by testing the effect of gravity on BECs of two different types of atoms, an atom interferometer could test the principle that all objects, no matter their weight or composition, accelerate at the exact same rate under gravity's pull — as Galileo Galilei supposedly demonstrated by dropping balls of different materials off the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.
To collapse, dark matter would need a way to lose energy, slowing particles as gravity pulls them into the center of the clump, so they can glom on to one another rather than zipping right through.
On Earth, gravity pulls at the atoms the moment they are released, typically giving physicists just 10 to 20 milliseconds to make their measurements before the BEC crashes to the bottom of the vacuum chamber.
Some researchers believe there must be some cut - off point where classical physics takes over, such as the point where the weak pull of gravity overwhelms other forces (in fact, gravity's effect on neutrons was recently measured).
At the Guggenheim Museum, for instance, Karole Armitage is doing a dance piece based on unified theories and quantum gravity, with an onstage discussion that pulls out the science between her and a physicist.
The same thing happens in the solar system: Mars moves faster than Jupiter because the sun's gravity pulls harder on it, Jupiter orbits faster than Saturn, and so on, out to Pluto and beyond.
But the galaxies pull strongly on one another via gravity, distorting their shapes and ripping stars and gas clouds off each other to form so - called tidal tails.
A man in an enclosed elevator can not in principle say whether he is motionless on Earth's surface and feeling the pull of gravity or moving through space, being pushed upward at an identical rate of acceleration.
General relativity has been tested with great precision within the solar system, and in binary pulsar systems where gravitational fields are very strong, but never on large scales where gravity's pull is weak.
All the galaxies move away from Earth because the universe is expanding, but gravity from the superclusters pulls on individual galaxies on their outskirts and alters their speeds relative to Earth.
If a star gets too close to one of these giants, the pull of gravity will be stronger on the near side of the star than on the far side.
In the worst - case scenario, the section of the volcano lying above the fault becomes so unstable that once slip starts, gravity pulls the entire mountainside downhill until it disintegrates into a pile of debris on the ocean floor.
They attributed this to the gravity of a planet of that orbital period pulling on the star.
Balls fall down because «down» is defined by the direction of gravity, which exerts a downward pull on objects.
They plan to measure other spectral lines and even test the pull of gravity on antihydrogen — to see if it is pulled down or pushed up.
Kepler - 13Ab's strong surface gravity — six times greater than Jupiter's — then pulls the titanium oxide snow out of the upper atmosphere and traps it in the lower atmosphere on the nighttime side of the planet.
Using a backup antenna on the craft, the ground crew established a slow communications link, determined its position, and concluded that a thruster intended to slow the craft to allow Venus's gravity to pull it into orbit shut down prematurely.
In such cases, the bigger star's gravity eventually pulls the lighter sibling into a rather violent merger — and helps the big star pack on even more pounds.
If you stand near a mountain, for example, then the gravity of that mountain pulls on you a little bit, and the direction you feel gravity pulling you changes a wee bit.
Gravity does not pull you into a chair; space pushes on you, creating the feeling of weight.
As it drifted away from its parent, Earth, the pull of our planet's gravity gave it an odd bulge on each side and a tilted axis.
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