Sentences with phrase «gray whale hunting»

A future review may result in the gray whale hunt being resumed.

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The most common type spotted in the Monterey Bay is the transient killer whales who will hunt seals, sea lions, dolphins, porpoises and whales (typically gray whale calves and minke whales).
The killer whales time the gray whales» migration and often hunt the calves in Monterey Bay.
Black explained the hunt can take anywhere from an hour to a few hours, as the mother gray whale desperately tries to protect her calf, using her tail to fight back and rolling over belly - up with the calf on top.
About thirty seconds into the video, you can see the pod of nine orcas hunting the gray whale calf.
After commercial hunting ended, some species, such as the gray whale and northern elephant seal, have rebounded in numbers; conversely, other species, such as the North Atlantic right whale, are critically endangered.
The hunt also took an average of one or two gray whales each year until 1996.
[citation needed] Aboriginal hunters, including those on Vancouver Island and the Makah in Washington, have hunted gray whales.
A second, shorter, and less intensive hunt occurred for gray whales in the eastern North Pacific.
Limited hunting of gray whales has continued since that time, however, primarily in the Chukotka region of northeastern Russia, where large numbers of gray whales spend the summer months.
[40] A. B. Van Deinse points out that the «scrag whale», described by P. Dudley in 1725 as one of the species hunted by the early New England whalers, was almost certainly the gray whale.
The Makah Indians, whose reservation is on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state, may soon resume hunting gray whales for the first time in 70 years.
Orcas hunt gray whales off the Pacific Northwest coast near Oregon, USA.
The drop in population made it no longer profitable to hunt gray whales; they were left alone and their numbers recovered.
In 1998 the International Whaling Commission reinstated a treaty made between the U.S. Government and the Makah Indians in 1855, giving the Native American group the permission to hunt gray whales.
Another event, involving a pair of humpback whales attempting to save a gray whale calf from a hunting pod of orcas after it had become separated from its mother, was captured by BBC filmmakers.
Orcas have been witnessed hunting humpback whale calves in much the same way that they hunt gray whale calves.
April is the best time to experience orcas on the hunt, as they attack gray whales, sea lions and other marine mammals in the bay.
«They learn early because it's pretty dangerous for the killer whales to hunt a gray whale because the mother gray whale can slam them with their fluke,» Black said.
International Whaling Commission (IWC) regulations protect western gray whales from commercial and aboriginal subsistence whaling; the range states of the Russian Federation, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and China, are members of the IWC (but as noted above, some limited illegal hunting may conWhaling Commission (IWC) regulations protect western gray whales from commercial and aboriginal subsistence whaling; the range states of the Russian Federation, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and China, are members of the IWC (but as noted above, some limited illegal hunting may conwhaling; the range states of the Russian Federation, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and China, are members of the IWC (but as noted above, some limited illegal hunting may continue).
«The gray whale population has gotten bigger over the last 20 years and the killer whales have gotten better at hunting the gray whale calves,» she said.
The IWC has imposed a moratorium on the hunting of 10 species of whales (blue, bowhead, fin, gray, humpback, minke, pygmy right, right, sei, and sperm), and that moratorium only applies to nations who are members of the IWC and have not formally objected to the ban.
Episode One: Destination Baja Fishermen in Mexico stop hunting gray whales and set up a lucrative whale - watching co-op.
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