Sentences with phrase «great addition to any diet»

They make great additions to your diet — and your dog's diet too!
Luckily, updated studies have shown that in moderation, whole eggs are actually a great addition to your diet.
Why it's so good for you: Fish is high in protein and a great source of omega - 3 fats, making it a great addition to your diet, supporting your heart, joint, and brain health.
I've never heard of Hemp Hearts, but these sound like a great addition to my diet.
Shelled hemp seeds are a great addition to your diet — high in protein, dietary fibre and omega fatty acids.
Apple Fibre is high in fibre making this a great addition to your diet.
They are a great addition to your diet.
Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse and would be a great addition to your diet routine.
We all know very well that spinach is a very healthy vegetable, it's very nutritious as a great addition to our diet.
Oh, and there are many articles out there on why beets are such a great addition to your diet but I narrowed it down to one I found on WebMD that includes a yummy recipe for a salad with beets.
Miso is fermented soybeans and rice that is a great addition to our diets.
I'm personally not a proponent of juice cleanses, but do think that green juices can be a great addition to your diet.
Buckwheat can be a great addition to your diet for muscle growth.
Milk alternatives aren't just for the lactose intolerant: They can be great additions to any diet; just watch out for lots of added sugar and flavors, says Penner.
These fatty little fruits are a great addition to the diet, helping you feel satisfied longer.
Still, with adzuki beans falling under the umbrella term «red beans» and a 2004 study by the United States Department of Agriculture citing red beans as the top source of antioxidants, they're still a great addition to your diet.
As long as you're keeping a close eye on your cholesterol, eating an egg (yolk included) once a day can be a great addition to your diet.
ll find, making them a great addition to your diet for clear skin.
Brazil nuts are the highest natural source of selenium you'll find, making them a great addition to your diet for clear skin.
It's difficult to find foods rich in selenium which is why this particular legume is a great addition to your diet, but why does this benefit your health?
Sauerkraut is a great addition to any diet when using antibiotics.
Both soluble and insoluble fiber are a great addition to your diet, as they reduce the amount of time the food spends in your system.
Eggs make a great addition to any diet and you'll need to build muscle with a variety of amino acids.
Brussels sprouts can be a great addition to your diet.
Now that we know more about the vast health benefits from lemons, we can better understand why daily lemon water can be a great addition to the diet.
Caffeine is a great addition to your diet, particularly if you're wanting to up your energy levels and fat burning potential.
The naturally sweet fruit would be a great addition to any diet, especially for strengthening immunity.
The folic acid found in kale is a great addition to your diet if you suffer from poor hair, skin and nails.
Their vitamin and micronutrient profile make them a great addition to any diet, whether it's a detox diet or just a regular diet plan.
Naturally gluten free, this powerful little grain is a great addition to any diet, but is an ideal solution for those following a gluten free, vegan or vegetarian diet that are looking to increase their protein and fibre.
With that said, it is a great addition to any diet.
This, along with a few of the health benefits discussed below, makes chia seeds a great addition to the diet of elderly individuals looking to improve their health.
I think coconut meat is a great addition to a diet — in SMALL amounts.
Flaxseeds are a nice source of omega - 3 fatty acids, and a great addition to your diet for myriad reasons.
It has antiviral, antihistamine, and antioxidant properties making it a great addition to a diet that could be harmful or potentially inflammatory.
A well - rounded weight training program, complimented with some good cardiovascular exercise will be a great addition to a diet full of veggies, high quality protein, healthy fats, and water.
Packed with nutrients that stimulate brain health and energy levels, prevent clogged arteries and lower blood pressure and cholesterol, sunflower seeds can be a great addition to the diet of your weight loss program.
Either way, it is going to be a great addition to your diet.
That being said, lemons are a great addition to the diet not only because of their vitamin C content, but because they help support the production of liver enzymes thereby supporting our liver function.
Choosing barley can be a great addition to your diet as its high fiber content promotes healthy digestion all while not dramatically elevating your blood sugar; barley has a low Glycemic Index.
I think this would be a great addition to my diet to help with candida.
Whether you love or hate the tart citrus fruit, there's no denying that grapefruit is a great addition to your diet.
The avocado is a great addition to your diet.
Crab is a great addition to the diet of these dogs because a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to a variety of serious health problems.
Both fibrous and sturdy enough to knock some plaque off during chewing, these are a great addition to the diet of dogs that need a little help in both departments.
As pollen season approaches, coconut oil is a great addition to their diet!
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