Sentences with phrase «great advancements»

In these times of great advancement in technology and science, the future is uncertain, but the possibilities are endless.
That title made great advancements for its time and served as the cornerstone for the rest of the series.
They can not only make an organization more profitable and productive, but also lead to greater advancement opportunities for employees.
A new report concludes that while gene editing promises great advancements, it can also be potentially dangerous.
Regardless of whether one has natural bench pressing talents or not, everyone has the ability for great advancements if they apply themselves correctly.
We would praise it as the latest and greatest advancement toward a sustainable future.
These roles offer great advancement and above average wages for those willing to work hard.
We have bonus potential as well great advancement opportunities.
So we want the society to sustain this and ensure that there is greater advancement in economic prosperity for the people.
Modern technology has made great advancements in the field of medicine and though the lifestyle diseases are curable, one should factor in the cost of such cure.
Two great advancements since my first birth 11 years previously were the helpful lactation nurses who encouraged me to keep trying and came in to check on me often and the promotion of skin - to - skin contact between me and my baby.
Each year we see greater advancements in the technology, and also how firms are utilising the technology.
Technology for the finance industry will need greater advancement before Banks are ready to approve a personal Loan online or in» 5 Minutes»
3D printing is one of the fastest growing and exciting developments in the manufacturing industry and will continue to grow in importance as greater advancements in the technology are made, especially towards make the technology a viable source of batch or even mass production.
(I know that science has provided us with great advancements in medicine to help the sick and poor, but its still a legit question)
«While at the county, we built the Connector Road, a new airport and we made great advancements at the Clinton Community College, just to name a few.
Intuitively you should know your capabilities, be reasonable and honest with yourself and you will realize your true immediate potential and develop a perfect working relationship with yourself to promote even greater advancements in the future.
A student bypasses the usual progression of skills and content mastery in one subject where great advancement has been observed.
Back then we might have expected great advancements by now in moon exploration (this brought the TV series «Space 1999» to my mind) but nothing further had happened.
He has witnessed great advancements and innovation in the cryptocurrency space during this time, and after founding MoneyBadger in 2016, he is also looking forward to contributing to this exciting community.
The company has relied on its Retina Display technology for quite some time now (with a 1080p HD panel being introduced into the iPhone lineup for the first time with the iPhone 6 Plus), but there are obviously great advancements being made in display technology — as made prominent by the Galaxy Note7.
While it showed great advancement in the workplace, because they had been with one company for almost 20 years, this was a weakness that we hoped to underplay by delineating the company name only once and the subsequent positions thereafter.
Through the foundation's first - ever Integrative Therapist Program, Urban Zen is making great advancements towards combining western medicine and holistic, alternative therapies like aromatherapy, yoga, Reiki, therapeutic massage, and nutrition.
We have utilized incredible number of individuals with sharp eyes and just as great advancements to verify that every single sentence of what we compose is of best quality.
The groundbreaking work of scientists like Dr. Finkbeiner and Dr. Yamanaka inspire confidence that there will soon be greater advancements in understanding the causes of the disease, developing new treatments and ultimately finding a cure for ALS.»
«This vote by the SEC to approve the final rules for Title III crowdfunding will prove to be the greatest advancement for entrepreneurship in a generation,» says Ron Miller, the CEO of StartEngine Crowdfunding, an online platform for investing in startups.
Instead, take advantage of what Warren Buffett considers the greatest advancement for the average investor — the index fund!
Although there have been great advancements made in recent centuries regarding our understanding nature and the universe, there has not been anything set to conclude that our further understandings has definitively overridden any concept of either a God, or some sort of creator, or at least some kind of order involved in the creation and order of the cosmos.
Also at this time, great advancements were made in the technology used to grow, harvest, mill and transport wheat.
These gaps in perception demonstrate that great advancements can and should be made to improve communication between parents and teens about online behavior.
Baby keep making great advancements to their already amazing products.
One of the greatest advancements in humankind are today's diaper pails and systems.
«You can celebrate that this is the greatest advancement that has been made,» Cuomo said on April 1st.
«You can celebrate that this is the greatest advancement that has been made,» Cuomo said on April 1.
Naloxone is considered a great advancement that will help prevent avoidable overdoses during this current heroin epidemic.
«You can celebrate that this is the greatest advancement that has been made [in this area], or you can say, we're disappointed that we haven't had a total victory.
«We further acknowledge the great advancement of the nation of Ghana and West Africa due to his commitment as a servant leader to build a trust, prosperous, and technologically developed nation for the people of Ghana,» the citation read in part.
«You can celebrate that this is the greatest advancement that's been made,» Cuomo said.
THE SEQUENCING OF THE HUMAN GENOME is the greatest advancement in medical knowledge of the past 25 years, although I'm not sure when it will lead to practical breakthroughs in our ability to prevent and treat disease.
Also at this time, great advancements were made in the technology used to grow, harvest, mill and transport wheat.
With such a powerful mineral and great advancements in technology, the many tribes still need to be ruled by a king.
We've seen some great advancements in this sort of system that will suggest your best upgrade and make abundantly clear what you need in order to make upgrades to your equipment.
Through these 6 learning techniques, educators can triumph a greater advancement of skills, for students of any age.
Through these 6 learning techniques, educators can triumph a greater advancement of...
It is now a known fact that despite the great advancement made by the international women rights movement over many years, women and girls around the world are still married as children or are trafficked into forced labour and slavery.
One of the great advancements in TV viewing was making TVs so thin and light you could mount them on the wall.
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