Sentences with phrase «great amusement»

The phrase "great amusement" means a lot of fun or enjoyment. Full definition
The Costa del Sol has a whole host of fun places to go and things to do, ranging from days spent on the beach, swimming and playing ball games, to great amusement parks like Tivoli World in Benalmadena and the Parque Acuático Mijas water park in Mijas - Costa.
Tottenham's unwarranted and overblown opinion of themselves has frequently been the source of great amusement but the fly in that particular ointment is current manager Mauricio Pochettino.
When she was six years old, she found great amusement in playing with wood scraps from her father's lumberyard; this early experimentation led her to announce, at the age of nine, her desire to become a sculptor.
At a time when «viral» wasn't even a thing yet, my innocent ad gained considerable notoriety among my colleagues and several clients, who took great amusement with that image.
Topher I take great amusement at picking at the scab that is religion on all of humanity.
People think they are in it after they have in fact been pushed out of it, or before they have been allowed in: this provides great amusement for those who are really inside.
Instead, the email was greeted with great amusement inside Stefanik's re-election campaign.
One thing that caused great amusement was the singing waiters, although this did tend to get a little annoying when the beer you ordered came with an inevitable rendition!
«For the racing driver, it will also be a source of great amusement, as it should enable him to laugh all the way to the winner's circl...
This led to certain idiosyncratic benefits over standard electrical workshop infrastructure: we watched with great amusement as they used the compressed air to blow saw dust off their clothes before going in for lunch.
Dear Abby: It was with great amusement that I read the letter from the father suggesting each of his daughter «s bridesmaids wear one of their own dresses at her wedding instead of each girl having to buy a new gown.
The amateur in front of a microphone is tempted to indulge the pleasure of broadcasting his thoughts and feelings, to the great amusement or annoyance of his audience.
He also exclaimed on the initial shipment of seed, «Planting is one of my great amusements
I mentioned to the great amusement of some, that I feel Ezequiel Garay, as a possible replacement for Van Dijk.
So many fun things happening on the boardwalk, there's a great amusement park called Playland's Castaway Cove, it was super kid friendly for both of our kids ages 6 and 4.
Of course, life is the great amusement park, and there are a lot of rides that are fun or scary or both.
After all, the appeal of a great amusement park is its breadth of attractions.
The voice acting along with the sounds is implemented with top - notch quality as well as some great amusement that will tickly your funny bone.
Based on the popular RollerCoaster Tycoon ® franchise, RollerCoaster Tycoon ® 4 Mobile ™ is the reimagined next installment of the beloved simulation game and will allow players to create and share the greatest amusement parks their imaginations can conjure.
In her ambitious and sprawling work Dreamland: The Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society and Its Circle 1926 — 1972 (2009), Zoe Beloff used the occasion of Sigmund Freud's documented visit to the great amusement park in 1909, during his only trip to the United States, to create an imaginary organization dedicated to exploring Freud's legacy in America.
Combined with the data from the Clapham pond you can reach, (using units which at one time yielded acres per fortnight to my great amusement, thank you Benjamin Franklin,) I hope, the same conclusion as I, namely that by the time the petrochemical industry hit its stride it had altered the ocean surface catastrophically.
It is a source of great amusement to me that so many people, and climate change deniers in particular (not to mention conservative voters), still seem to be fighting the cold war.
In our first couple attempts, the Translate app insisted on translating everything I said into Spanish, to my friend's great amusement.
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