Sentences with phrase «great as traditions»

As great as traditions are, I agree with you that sometimes it's way more fun to throw those out the window and make something creative of your own!

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And there is some truth to that, though the other ingredients of this great American tradition — a giant meal, an inundation of family, a frantic cleaning of a home in anticipation of an inundation of family — may exhaust you as well.
The editor of the New Yorker, David Remnick, recently contrasted modern writers in Russia with the tradition of the Great Russian Writer: such figures as Gogol, Tolstoy, and even Solzhenitsyn, who represented both sagacity and idealism.
The fact of the matter is that modernity has dissolved a great deal of the power of tradition, even as it sometimes deviates and innovates.
Touchstone provides a forum where Christians of various backgrounds — Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox — can speak candidly with one another on the basis of a shared commitment to the Great Tradition of Christian faith as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the classic creeds of the early church.The term «mere Christianity,» of course, was made famous by C. S. Lewis, whose book of that title is among the most influential religious volumes of the past one hundred years.
This global compilation of traditional wisdom shows that none of the great, classical religious traditions conceived of God as a mere intelligent Designer, or as a First Cause within nature, or as a highly moral Personality who happens to be divine as well, or any kind of all - powerful agent that has a primus inter pares relationship with other, less powerful Superbeings and Incredibles.
The Baptist tradition, as shaped by American revivalism in the Great Awakenings, has generally leaned toward Arminianism, a modified version of predestination proposed by Jacob Arminius (d. 1609) that allowed a greater role for human cooperation in salvation.
Strauss claims that it is the collapse of «authoritative traditions in which we could trust» that has forced us into an active but unjustified role as judges reconciling the divergent views of our great - souled mentors.
By contrast to Europe's denial of its religious and moral foundations, Asia's great religious traditions, especially the mystical component expressed in Buddhism, have been elevated as spiritual powers.
In addition to the 25 free printable ornaments that coordinate with the daily readings in The Greatest Gift (adult edition) and Unwrapping the Greatest Gift (Family Read Aloud Edition), DaySpring has beautifully created Jesse Tree Ornament Sets, in either embossed, pearlized card stock or as a sculpted heirloom set, as a powerful & memorable way to celebrate the lineage & majesty of God's greatest gift to us — His Son, Jesus Christ — through the timeless Advent tradition of the Jesse Tree.
The title, then, should be understood as Smith's own highly personal understanding of how Christianity is true within the frame of his larger understanding of the world's religions as great wisdom traditions.
The book does not really present «the voice of first millennium Christianity» or make much of an argument toward «restoring the great tradition» (as the subtitle suggests it might).
While, therefore, the lessons of the prophets, far from being forgotten, bore fruit in great examples of personal piety, the prophetic tradition could not break through to its logical conclusion — religion as a free, individual choice, regardless of race or nation.
A third, a physician in New York City, praised the Catholic tradition for its emphasis on human dignity and social justice, but added: «I am troubled by the fact that I find greater acceptance of myself as a whole person in my professional community as a physician, than I do in the official hierarchy of the church of my family, my childhood, and my life.»
Some traditions mention ninety - nine names of God, but it is probable that the number is to be understood, not literally, but only as a very great number.
What is needed, then, is ongoing conversion facilitated by spiritual traditions within Christianity as the mechanism by which one enters the Great Tradition and develops the interior disposition of discernment.
Although the Church has preserved a tradition as a patron of the arts for more than a millennium, and the great mediaeval cathedrals in particular have portrayed Christianity through their paintings, sculptures, and perhaps especially their windows, Catholic teachers are now refocusing on literary, cultural and artistic beauty as a conscious resource for the transmission of the faith.
For all of its diversity and debate, as a renewal movement, Evangelicalism can facilitate conversions that lead persons back to the Great Tradition if Evangelicals themselves remain committed to the cultivation of a broad Christian culture.
They need to be read correctly, to be widely known and taken to heart as important and normative texts of the Magisterium, within the Church's Tradition... I feel more than ever in duty bound to point to the Council as the great grace bestowed on the Church in the 20th century.»»
Bloom's counterweight to this dreary reductionism is the Great Tradition of Western letters from Plato to Tolstoy; and most of the book is devoted to individual chapters on such novelists as Rousseau, Austen, Stendahl, and Tolstoy, with a whole section devoted to the romantic comedies and tragedies of Shakespeare, and a concluding fugue on Plato's Symposium.
The question is how to connect evangelicals to the Great Tradition, which brings me to Pope Francis's appeal to the church as the people of God.
He was speaking of that which he saw articulated in the Catholic tradition of Eucharistic worship, as he understood it; yet his words unconsciously echoed a great deal that is most deeply characteristic of Dr. Karl Barth's criticism of what he regards as the very heart and centre of Catholic dogmatics, namely the doctrine of the analogy of being.
In a combative interview with the BBC, Patten described Benedict as «the greatest intellectual to be pope since Innocent III,» a «world class theologian,» who had a «really important message about the Christian roots of civilization in this country, and in Europe, and the way in which we can become more self - confident in asserting those Christian traditions
This is also seen in the difference between those who see Jesus as in some way embodying a universal principle, as is the case of theologians in the tradition of Schleiermacher, and those, like the great Swiss theologian Karl Barth, who stressed that humans can in no way sit in judgment on God's revelation.
The Protestant Reformation attacked certain elements in the Catholic tradition, its exaltation of celibacy above marriage, its conception of the religious vocation as of greater merit than secular life with family responsibility.
They suggest that the same eternal principle may be recognized in other great spiritual teachers such as the Buddha and Lord Krishna, and that too exclusive a focus on Jesus is liable to ignore the evidence of God's presence in the other great faith traditions of the world.
Its narratives Contain many echoes of the stories in Mark and some of those which occur in Luke, and the evangelist has modified and added to the earlier traditions (his Gospel is generally agreed to be the latest of the four) in such a way as to make them the vehicle for a great body of deep religious truth.
As a thinker Holmes was a great destroyer in the mold of Hume or Nietzsche, a tradition that continued in debased form in the century of Russell, Foucault, and Derrida.
One of the great guides in the tradition of spiritual direction was not ashamed to declare himself unqualified as a guide even as he sought to help in just that way.
The moderates, called «liberals» by their opponents, see the conservative resurgence as an ecclesiastical coup d'état, a great power grab engineered by ruthless church politicians who neither understood nor cared about the great watchword of the Baptist tradition: freedom.
As children of modernity, we are left to wonder what to do with the legacy of dream interpretation found in all great religious traditions.
If he knows it and lives in it as the tradition of the great Church he has an authority in the local and the contemporary Christian community which the man who represents only the tradition of a national or denominational or localized community can not have.
The history of the church in Asia in the 13th and 14th centuries outside the subcontinent of India to the south, says Moffett, was dominated by the political power and traditions of three great Mongol conquerors, Hulegu, Kublai and Timor (better known as Tamerlane).
Such are the «Pastoral Epistles» to Timothy and Titus, (It seems likely that these epistles, in their present form, were composed round about A.D. 100, partly out of shorter letters treasured as relics of the great apostle, and partly out of the oral tradition of his teaching and practice.)
If he knows the great tradition he will also know that it is his duty to represent it, interpreting the mind of the Church rather than acting as the representative of a fleeting majority of living and local church members.
As an American brought up in the Christian tradition, I was taught not only tolerance but also great respect for all religions.
According to this tradition, in AD 64, the Chinese emperor Ming - ti, as a result of a dream, sent messengers along a road leading to the west to find out who was the greatest prophet who had arisen in the west.
Catholics, for their part, saw Evangelicals as fundamentalist yahoos, little familiar with the great tradition of theological development through the centuries.
But as an introduction to the Great Tradition, the sort of thinkers who (in all cases except perhaps Schleiermacher) adhere to the sort of «mere orthodoxy» we are fans of around here, The Great Theologians is the best of its kind.
The civilising effect of the pre-Reformation parliamentary tradition would seem to have taken on even greater importance - as would the questionable papal excommunication of Elizabeth.
He will have to carry out his office as a service because at his back there will no longer be any, or hardly any, earthly social power of tradition or the great mass of those who will always obey in any case.
The day may not be far off when in every branch of Christendom the centrality of the Lord's Supper will again be recognized, as the Catholic tradition and the great Reformers recognized it, and the eucharistic action will again be the usual and normal way in which, Sunday by Sunday, Christians gather to offer their prayer and praise to God through Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Later on, as the tradition and the teaching gradually developed and took on form, the different tendencies which had been present from the very beginning — let us call them the realistic and supernatural tendencies, although the difference in meaning would have been great — must inevitably have become unwieldy and thus incapable of being expressed through a unified terminology.
Most people, however, understand me as asking which Bible translation they are using, and so they will launch off into an explanation of why they read the KJV (because it has the greatest tradition), or the NASB (because it is the most accurate), or the ESV (because some big name scholars endorse it), or the NIV (because it's the most understandable), or whatever.
When they tried to do that back in 1975, Representative John Monks of Muskogee memorably rose to the defense, hailing the great tradition of cockfighting as «the sport of all free countries.»
Flat, blank facades on buildings conceived as commodities — or just oddities — rather than works of civic art; flat modernist pictorial abstractions; the flattening of cultural history into pseudo-history packaged as what Henry dismissed as «applied sociology» — all spoke to him of something far more ominous, the abasement of man and the crude negation of his proper relationship to nature as embodied in the great tradition.
But other writers, such as Robert Fitzgerald (with whose family Flannery O'Connor lived until she developed lupus), saw themselves as part of reviving a great tradition.
Bin Laden's jihad not only pits Islam against America, the West as a whole, and ultimately the rest of the non-Islamic world; it also seeks to overthrow the contemporary Muslim states and mainstream views of Islamic tradition among the great majority of contemporary Muslims.
While these notions seem terribly abstract, nevertheless, in the case of Christianity, we see them operating as we acknowledge the disharmony as well as deprivation of greater richness in the sexism, racism and anti-Judaism of its inherited tradition.
I would also be inclined to give greater emphasis to the more «classical» roots of modern fundamentalism in the post-Reformation traditions of both Reformed and Lutheran scholasticism and perhaps be willing to suggest that the line is not so totally devoid of theological insight as Barr seems to indicate.
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