Sentences with phrase «great books on»

I just returned 5 great books on beach houses to the library.
Of course, Diana's book, Your Divorce Advisor, is terrific, but there are also some other great books on the subject.
There are also some great books on relationship and marriage help.
There are also some great books on marriage advice that can give you general marriage help so that you can strengthen your relationship and prevent your husband from looking outside of your marriage for the physical and emotional support he seeks.
To really get into the groove of job hunting I read several great books on the subject.
There are some great books on legal project management.
However, on the other hand you can get some great books on construction and learn those skills.
For more information about Bali check out these great books on Amazon including Bali: The Ultimate Guide: to the World's Most Spectacular Tropical Island, The Rough Guide to Bali and Lombok, and Secrets of Bali: Fresh Light on the Morning of the World.
There are a number of great books on the market designed to help you train your dog at home.
These 10 great books on dog behavior, training and bonding are an excellent read not only for those of you that have just recently started in the marvelous world of dog companionship but also for all you that want to know ever more about our faithful, yet sometimes strangely puzzling, companions.
Many good and a few great books on investing have been written.
In addition to reading up on Safari Books on iPad app development, the folks at Safari might want to check out the great books on Agile software development that are available from Safari books, so they can do a better job at decreasing TTM for their software.
I did that my whole life before I converted to the convenience of reading great books on my iPhone and Kindle.
Michael Larsen, How to Get a Literary Agent --(yes, the Michael Larsen; literary agent who writes great books on getting published)-- notes that every word in your query letter is either helping to sell your book (and you) or it isn't.
If you're a fellow author, check this out: Three great books on writing and publishing, by some of the hottest...
First, I got to buy a bunch of great books on writing, formatting, and marketing for authors — each for only $ 0.99!
Three great books on writing and publishing, by some of the hottest self - published authors out there today, in one bundle — for only $ 0.99.
Let me recommend two other great books on plotting and structure by James Scott Bell — more recent titles of his that I've found to be exceptionally valuable.
Without specifics, here's my advice: if you don't understand book marketing or social media, there are plenty of free articles here, great books on Amazon, and people like Kate (who wrote the article) who can help you.
Here you will find our Kindle Daily Deals recommendations, which give you tips on great books on sale on Amazon.
They reward devout fans with, but the books are self - contained enough to start with any of them, but I do personally recommend books 3 and 4 in order, but otherwise they're all great books on the own, but they do have a throughline that reading them all in order that makes a stronger overall reading experience.
However, the more I looked for great books on education or got recommendations from colleagues, the more I was able to re-find that love of reading.
Black History Month is the perfect time to explore great books on the topic.
From the Kickstarter page; A new press for great books on classic video games.
A new press for great books on classic video games.
In truth, there are a lot of great books on Christian dating for singles out there.
One of the few great books on bisexuality is the classic «The Bisexual Option» by Dr. Fritz Klein, though it's predominantly clinical and analyzes it from an identity perspective (a good read and highly recommended if you're interested in this subject).
If you feel the need to learn more about coconut oil, there are several great books on the subject at Amazon.
Practical Programming and Starting Brawn are great books on this subject.
There are only so many great books on Cardio but one of the best programs I stumbled across was, «Rusty Moore's Visual Impact Cardio».
Duane Graveline, M.D. has a great website called and several great books on statins.
But this book is not for people who are trying to breastfeed — there's already a plethora of great books on that subject, and more to come, I'm sure.
There are a few great books on the topic.
There are some great books on picky eaters, too.
With children either already back at school or very soon starting (including J in a few weeks) Smiling Like Sunshine has some great books on Starting School that were shared last week.
There are so many great books on different aspects of positive parenting, but there are four that I consider the «cornerstones».
There are also many, many great books on sex from a Christian perspective.
Even Warren Buffett considers Graham's Intelligent Investor «the greatest book on investing ever written.»
For a great book on the subject, check out The Money Book For Freelancers, Part - timers and the Self - Employed.
If you'd like to learn more, the father of the low - fee index fund, Jack Bogle, wrote a great book on investing and fees called the The Little Book of Common Sense Investing.
Jon Krakauer's «Under the banner of heaven» is a great book on the subject; the mormons don't want you to read it.
Great book on physical proofs of Biblical claims.
For me a great book on this is Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge.
A great book on this topic is Partners in Marriage and Ministry, by Ron Pierce, professor at Biola.
«I was praying for you... I heard a great sermon... I'm reading a great book on the spiritual life... I came across this beautiful verse in Luke the other day... I was talking with a friend from church....»
However I am in the middle of a great book on the subject by renowned former atheist Anthony Flew called «There Is A God».
Fwiw, here is a great book on how Matthew deals with the issue:
A great book on this, if you like reading about these things, is «Her Gates Will Never Be Shut.»
[For a great book on how Christians can love and interact with LGBT people, I recommend Love Is an Orientation.]
A great book on the subject is «Nourishing Traditions» cook book.
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