Sentences with phrase «great chasm»

The phrase "great chasm" refers to a very deep and wide gap, like a big hole or trench. It is used metaphorically to describe a significant difference or divide between two things that is difficult to bridge or overcome. Full definition
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Your aim is to collect rings and guide Sonic on his endless sprint by dodging obstacles, jumping over great chasms and taking down as many of Eggman's minions as possible.
The earthly status quo has changed, and the great chasm that divides rich from poor during life on earth now has been eternally inverted.
Come to Jesus and say, «Lord, I'm a sinner,» and he'll get you across the great chasm.
There is a great chasm in our Western world in the way words are used.
Advocates of world government were at the time divided about the UN, some saying it was a step in the right direction, others pointing out that you don't leap a great chasm by taking one step at a time.
26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you can not, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.»
Death — the great chasm into which all must eventually fall, the beautiful along with the dissolute, the good along with the bad, the valuable and the valueless alike.
But are we not all such poor little fellows, whose teacher is death, casting into the great chasm with his rough hand all that we have created, all that we have tended and built up with loving care?
look at the rich man and Lazarus story, Abraham said there was a great chasm set between the rich man and where Abraham was.
He longed to return to the village, but found that the line had widened to a great chasm.
As I sat in my car I couldn't help but compare the two encounters, seeing the great chasm between the way I was treated compared to the treatment of the homeless man I saw.
In Christ Jesus, marriage serves as a redemptive sign that the great chasm separating creature from Creator has been bridged, and the original unity intended by God has been restored, both among us and between humanity and its Creator.
If our so called leaders, which include clerics I assume, do not speak of greed and thus bring some focused attention and resolution to the great chasm between the haves and have nots in this country, the people will do so in not such a peaceful fashion.
I may accept it in my head while there remains a great chasm between my head and my heart.»
Adam's desire propels him across a great chasm that runs through our common humanity, the gulf that separates men and women.
12:53 - You will struggle to find a greater chasm between the tone of a speaker and the reality of what he is saying.
How do we manage our own feelings of dismay — or fears about the vitriolic campaign and the great chasms in our country — so we can model tolerance, a sense of hope, or a renewed spirit of activism?
Where Bravely Default had revolved around the Great Chasm and restoring the four elemental crystals that brought light to the world, the sequel builds on the characters and fantasy world that many came to adore.
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