Sentences with phrase «great chest development»

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Why would you want to have great development in your chest muscles if you have a bulging lump of fat just a little south of them?
The reality is that the wide grip is more beneficial for greater overall chest development.
This zone of the deltoid is the easiest to develop and most bodybuilders already have great front shoulder development from all the years of pressing movements for their chest, but rare is the great set of rear (or lateral) shoulders.
So speed up your lagging upper - chest development with these 8 great exercises that will help you build a set of strong upper chest muscles to be proud of.
The dumbbell flyes are a great chest exercise for pectoral development, yet they are one of the most often improperly executed exercise in the gym.
And if you are able to bench more weight, you increase the strain placed on your chest and your other primary muscle groups being used — which leads to great upper - body development.
The flat bench dumbbell press develops the middle chest as well as the barbell bench press, but allows a slightly greater range of motion, thus stimulating greater development.
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