Sentences with phrase «great conflagration»

The phrase "great conflagration" refers to a large, intense, and destructive fire. Full definition
The suburbs of Los Angeles, Denver, and other cities are threatened by fire — great conflagrations driven by increasing drought or hot temperatures.
Perhaps we are witnessing the sparks of a great conflagration, and if so it's probably a pretty good time to fling a little petrol around in prayer.
When the text speaks of turning the other cheek, giving away the coat, not looking with lust, being concerned only for today's needs, bearing crosses, loving enemies, tombs opening, demons going into pigs, Jesus ascending into heaven, or the earth dissolving in a great conflagration, what are the immediate human questions?
«Such are the embers of things spoken when the great conflagration of life is nearly over...» WHAT a sentence!
Scientists can find signs of that great conflagration embedded in rock.
As the world continues hurtling through space towards a great conflagration of death and destruction, your alien overlords have dropped «El Presidente,» the second single from the album.
This WWII thriller about Nazi sympathizers in the run - up to that great conflagration feels a bit too much like an extended news reel to capture the imagination.
«For weeks countless swarms of locusts, brown - black and brick - yellow, darkened the air like ash from a great conflagration, their jaws biting all things for what could be eaten.»
I remember the City on fire from my own point of view — my uncle owned a hardware store in Fort Apache, the Bronx, that was torched to the ground and looted in the great conflagration and violence that followed New York's infamous blackout — but Hallberg's book made me understand that personal moment in the larger moment of an apocalypse.
US authorities spent more than $ 2bn suppressing wildfires in 2015, but greater conflagrations are expected in the US west, and wildfire damage could eventually double, according to other studies.
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