Sentences with phrase «great contest»

The phrase "great contest" means a big and important competition or event where people compete against each other to win. Full definition
This was a really great contest and hopefully I can attend the next one.
Years later Boston mayor JosiahQuincy would say, «It was the first great contest between North and South, [foreshadowing] the sterner conflict that occurred 40 years afterward.»
Join us on Facebook to participate in great contests, win amazing prizes, and get the low - down on the latest picks, tips, and updates.
Stop on by ~ I have great contests going on and more coming for this «party» week ~
The competing theories have had implications for parents whose child has been delivered with the injury in the form of greater contest of medical malpractice claims and the need by the claimant's attorney to «de-bunk» this junk science created to excuse the negligent physician or mid-wife.
Such is the significance of Elijah's great contest at Mount Carmel: to demonstrate that Yahweh was master of the weather.
I am lucky to get lots of great holiday ideas and inspiration from your 2 posts!!!!!! Great contest!!!
Some other great contest sites that often have baby items up for grabs: Contest Girl Cuckoo for coupon deals
Thank you so much this is very helpful for me:):) Great contest count me in:) P.S Just 3 DAYS LEFT for my awesome Giveaway to end so if you still wan to win this amazing Frenchonista Clutch worth $ 150!!
«Force» opens on a planet where a literally fetching young woman Rey (Daisy Ridley) salvages parts from the hulking wrecks of ships destroyed in the last great contest between competing sides of the Force.
All in all it's a pretty great contest because — well, mostly because you can WIN A TRIP TO SHANGHAI.
Their halfpipes are some of the best in the world, and make for great contests.
In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God.
Great contest going on there right now — you could win an iPad or even better, a copy of my new book!
This past Tuesday Night they were able to get past Team Chaikin by a score of 68 - 67 in what was a really great contest.
Great contest idea... what fashionista can't use a pair of red soles!
Great website and great contest!!!
Great contest!
The great contest is over the culture, the guiding ideas and habits of mind and heart that inform the way we understand the world and our place in it.
Generally in those days, as in ours, attempts to exorcise a demon, or cast out an evil spirit would often take long periods of time, and great contests of power between the demon and the exorcist.
Homer's subject is not really the great contest between Greeks and Trojans; it is the personal story of Achilles» refusal to fight and of the events that bring him, finally, to change his mind.
Arnold Bread is having a great contest that you should enter!
What a great contest this is!
Thanks for this great contest.
I do not know if you are a little sugar - ladened with all the sweets being posted as ideas for Valentine's Day but I thought it was time to post a meal idea for those staying home for Valentine's Day.Lindsay over at Cook.Vegan.Lover posted a great contest challenging her readers to come up with a special dish in either the appetizer, entree, or dessert category.
They get Defending Champs Team Jiminez in what should be a great contest come Week 2.
Team Bulwa made it 3 straight Ws on Sunday Night after downing Team Cohen in what was a great contest.
Those two Teams have tangled close to a dozen times on various All Sports Series courts throughout the years and Sunday provided another great contest between the two.
Yes we going to win this one, we have a great squad a great contest in Munich would propel us to greater heights.
In what was the Main Event of the day, we got a great contest between Teams Holzman and Bayer.
He is joined by past Champs — Colin Rice and Charlmers Oscar — both of which were in double figures to lead Team Amzaleg past a feisty Team Karmin squad in a great contest.
As one of the world's largest running sporting fixtures, it's a fantastic opportunity to show our young and global audience a great contest between two of the most prestigious universities in the world.»
Not much to choose between them and it should be a great contest, with Spurs unbeaten in their last five against the Red Devils.
Along with running some great contests for our readers, we were able to donate thousands of dollars to charity.
This is such a great contest... what a gorgeous bag:)
* fingers crossed * So this is a great contest!
Thank you for a great contest!
Thanks for the great contest and Happy Holidays:)
Thanks for such a great contest!
Wow, great contest!
I just got so excited I was working to quickly and forgot to copy my post link and pasted in the last thing copied Thanks for the great contest and a special way to honor our Moms this Mother's Day.
Great contest — I couldn't pick just one picture.
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