Sentences with phrase «great counterpoint»

The phrase "great counterpoint" means contrasting or opposing ideas or arguments that are presented in a thoughtful or impressive manner. Full definition
The beets don't crisp up, but their earthy, springy flavor is a great counterpoint to the sweet potatoes.
So, there you have it, a slow roasted Greek lamb leg which is a great counterpoint to my super quick cooking Grilled Butterflied Lamb Leg.
These elegant cookies have pink peppercorns that are not only pretty, but great counterpoints to the sweet cookies and tangy lemon filling.
Served it with yogurt marinated chicken kabobs and roasted broccoli, and it was a great counterpoint to both.
The whipped topping was a great counterpoint to the chocolate - definitely don't skip that component.
The raspberry flavor comes through as a great counterpoint to the lemon.
Using naturally sweet peanut butter in a sauce is no revelation, but here it balances perfectly with soy sauce, rice vinegar, and sesame oil, altogether a great counterpoint for crunchy Chinese broccoli.
The salty crunch of the bacon is a great counterpoint to the creamy smoothness of the cauliflower celeriac soup.
But the hint of fruity sweetness from the raisins and the briny, tangy bites of capers are great counterpoints to the really tomato - forward sauce, so I really recommend them.
It's a great counterpoint to the lentils.
These are a great counterpoint to the nutty sweet roasted eggplant.
It's sassy with bright tropical fruit flavors (a great counterpoint to the saltiness of the cheese), a citrusy edge, and loads of spice.
Plus, the warmed fruit is such a great counterpoint to the cold ice cream and crispy chips!
The crisscross of the ankle straps are a great counterpoint to the dress.
Levine's Buffalo Bill makes such a great counterpoint to Hopkins's Lecter.
The great counterpoint in the film by far is the complete abstinence from the development of the character as a protagonist.
Domino's weirdly esoteric «luck» powers wind up being a total joy to watch unfold on screen and her easy, unbothered humor make a great counterpoint to Wade's unrelenting commentary.
The handling of scenography and personal narratives have given the laboriously precise, even - if somewhat rhetorical rendering of skin a great counterpoint.
Winning that Mikasa set would certainly make my day — I love blue and white, and the freshness of this china would be a great counterpoint to some traditional pieces that I have!
It is a great counterpoint to all of the white and really draws your eye to the black grouted backsplash.
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