Sentences with phrase «great critiques»

Please feel free to comment and mention other places that offer great critique groups.
They both give great critiques of what we have put out so far, and their videos and commentary are much higher quality than what you've seen from us!
First and foremost, you should make sure to locate a reputable plus reliable retailer that has obtained great critiques and ratings from other shoppers and industry analysts.
He gives great critique and is very helpful with correcting and improvising on driving techniques.
The exhibition received great critiques, and both reviewers and audiences were fascinated by Israel's interaction between surface and depth, and his ambiguous embrace and revelation of the media world's mechanisms.
Without realizing what he is doing — or realizing but choosing not to acknowledge it — his critique of the liberationist project recapitulates one of the great critiques of the ages, Edmund Burke's writings on the French Revolution.
Gray is very male chauvinistic and there are some great critiques of his work on the Internet.
Can you share some insight as to how to get in a great critique group?
I belong to a great critique group.
I have a great critique group, and I've received valuable insight from multi-published authors.
A great critique group is so valuable, but a bad one is worse than no group at all.
A great critique group can carry you through various stages in your writing career, but with any group, online or in person, take your time to get to know the group and make sure that it fits your style and your goals before submitting your own work.
I have a great critique group and beta readers, but they tend to know my stories.
I don't have an editor, per se, but I've got a great critique group and an editing partner, and we're all studying the craft like mad.
I'm blessed with a great critique partner and beta readers, along with wonderful (affordable) editors I met online.
In addition to using all the great critiques I got from fellow authors on Authonomy, the books have been professionally edited and proofread which is a must when uploading a novel that you offer for sale.
I have a great critique group, and I find trusting each other and myself to be very important.
Hence, viewers of this Biennale will have to decide if they can get past the paradox of critical painting's self - defeating precondition or write it off as collateral damage of the greater critique.
Great critique.
If there's something even the greatest critique of Samsung will admit, then that would be the fact that the Korean company simply makes the best display panels in the mobile industry.
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