Sentences with phrase «great deal of confusion»

There seems to be a great deal of confusion about what the agency actually does.
The variety of mobile optimization tools and solutions on offer created a great deal of confusion.
A Chinese elite responded by emphasizing that there is a great deal of confusion in China about the concept of containment, particularly among the general public.
One of the most significant conclusions of the study is that it «clearly demonstrates that -LSB-...] there is a great deal of confusion, contradiction or uncertainty about these issues.
A great deal of confusion came about through this situation.
Understanding one's own best head - to - toe style can remove a great deal of confusion, fear & anxiety, allowing confidence to thrive.
There is so much information out there and also a great deal of confusion about what is and isn't good for you.
This can cause a great deal of confusion for the buyer.
There is a great deal of confusion about the effects of capsaicin on the tongue and taste buds, starting with the notion that men who can eat the hottest peppers are somehow more masculine or «macho.»
Nevertheless, he does make a very valid point and he will get support from many who aren't in favour of it as it does lead to a great deal of confusion with the way it is currently used.
THere is a great deal of confusion surrounding the Arsenal transfer rumours about a January swoop for the Real Madrid and Germany international star Sami Khedira.
As we've seen in Scotland, when you separate assembly seats from parliamentary seats, it creates a great deal of confusion for voters, for parties and for the wider public.
«I think because PFOA was not regulated... it caused a great deal of confusion,» the Halfmoon Republican said on the «Capitol Pressroom» radio show.
Last year there was a great deal of confusion over whether Jeremy Corbyn had paid too much or too little tax, not helped by the fact he looked like he'd filled in the thing over a quick lunch break.
However, in the days prior to the test, there was reportedly a great deal of confusion and untruths circulating.
The pup was born on 14 December 2001, and triggered a great deal of confusion, which has only now finally been cleared up: the pup was the result of a «virgin birth».
So it's only natural that such a popular and celebrated exercise will cause a great deal of confusion and conflict as to which is the perfect way to perform it.
It probably won't come as a surprise to hear there is a great deal of confusion around nutrition.
There is a great deal of confusion about the EFA content of plants.
There is a great deal of confusion surrounding this condition, and when I researched it I also found that even many practitioners themselves actually get confused with the terms polycystic ovaries and polycystic ovarian disease.
While there is a great deal of confusion and controversy over whether people with diabetes should eat low - carb diets, low - fat diets, plant - based diets, or ketogenic diets, the one thing everyone can agree on is: mostly whole foods that you prepared yourself.
Schools Chancellor Ramon C. Cortines of New York City said last week that the nation's largest school system, which has been engaged in a massive, emergency asbestos - cleanup effort, will open Sept. 20, but not without «a great deal of confusion
Teachers who have never worked with computers in this way often struggle with the concepts of computational thinking and there is still a great deal of confusion in the classroom around certain terminology, such as «algorithm» for example, particularly at Key Stage One.
Yet there is a great deal of confusion about what xAPI does, and what needs to happen for your organization to start using it.
There is currently a great deal of confusion in teachers» minds about what differentiation means in practical terms, and for which students it is required.
Because there is a great deal of confusion and fear surrounding it, it is hard even getting a rational discussion going.»
As these numbers suggest, having two accountability systems operating simultaneously has generated a great deal of confusion in Florida, as it has in other states.
The learning curve for computer use, like that for any other new skill, has created a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding among those struggling to master — and those struggling to help us master — the technology.
There is a great deal of confusion between skills and competencies because their definitions overlap (Kamperman, 2009).
News accounts have detailed how there is still a great deal of confusion (and resistance) surrounding these rigorous new standards, including why they are needed and what they look like in practice.
Code Variation and Code Overlap cause a great deal of confusion for many children.
«Simply closing schools and replacing them with academies will not have the impact sought but will cause a great deal of confusion and distress for parents, pupils and staff,» she said.
There is still a great deal of confusion about what a publisher is meant to do in the 21st century.»
This is where a great deal of confusion occurs.
Basically, with such rapid changes in the marketplace, there is a great deal of confusion.
However, not all USB Type C cables are the same and there remains a great deal of confusion.
The two terms are often used interchangeably, which leads to a great deal of confusion on the part of consumers, who may not realize that these are vastly different debt relief services.
The state lending laws cause a great deal of confusion for banks and borrowers.
There is a great deal of confusion and misinformation about the true meaning of pre-approved versus pre-qualified automobile loans and financing offers.
There is a great deal of confusion on this issue.
We create these guides because there's a great deal of confusion out there about New York Renters Insurance and we'd like to shine some light on it.
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