Sentences with phrase «great deal of influence»

Slok's analysis found that these so - called echo boomers are poised to wield a great deal of influence in the coming years.
Growing up in Indiana, Scotty found a great deal of influence from accomplished entrepreneurs who lent useful advice that would later guide him in his entrepreneurial career.
They exercised a great deal of influence and power over their people: performed religious rituals, sacrifices and black magic for the Pulayas and also at times for the high castes.
Business and other interests pay a lot of the money and exert a great deal of influence, but that influence is filtered through a large class of politically connected individuals who sometimes hold elected office, sometimes manage campaigns, and sometimes work in the policymaking apparatus.
Jesus may still be regarded as a wise and innovative teacher who has exerted a great deal of influence during the course of the last 20 centuries, but he is now coming to be seen as one great teacher among others, rather than the incarnation of the one and only God, and the absolute Savior of all humankind.
Arsene's got a great deal of influence in the club and made the right decisoin about gnabry and move on for the best interest of the team.
«Coach Fry had a great deal of influence on me.»
«We saw firsthand with the Vito Lopez scandal that this commission is far from independent and that the speaker has a great deal of influence over the process,» said Harry Bubbins, a Mott Haven resident and a co-founder of Friends of Brook Park.
These victories have given the Reform Party of New York a great deal of influence in local and state politics in New York.
The drawn - out primary cycle, scheduled to begin in February 2016 and lasting until June, affords a great deal of influence to a small number of voters in early primary states, such as Iowa and New Hampshire.
The difficulty here is that histamines have a great deal of influence on your body.
State superintendents of instruction, who often have a great deal of influence in shaping the defense, have even less incentive to oppose increased spending on schools.
Even so, the pro-school lobby — parents, teachers, staff — is an active one and (per the turnout rule above) wields a great deal of influence in these off - cycle, low turnout affairs.
In fact, Education Week reports that 80 percent of principals say they enjoy a great deal of influence in evaluating teachers and 74 percent say the same about hiring new personnel.
«For the first time, we have put dollar figures on what has always been known anecdotally: The unions exert a great deal of influence on domestic policy, due to the sheer amount of money they spend on political advocacy, and at times pushing political agendas that are at odds with those of their members.»
In several school policy areas, private school teachers and principals are more likely than their public school counterparts to believe that they have a great deal of influence.
Especially in the areas of setting discipline policy and establishing curriculum, private school teachers in 1993 - 94 were more likely than public school teachers to report that they had a great deal of influence.
As classroom teachers, we hold a great deal of influence over our students simply due to the fact that we work with them up to six and a half hours each day, five days a week.
Conclusion The credit bureaus may seem able to exert a great deal of influence over many aspects of life, but you are entitled to check that the information they hold on you is correct, and to take steps to have any inaccuracies removed.
One number, between 300 and 850, has a great deal of influence over your financial future: Your credit score (sometimes referred to as your FICO score).
Different cities have different pay rates and where you choose to work has a great deal of influence on what you can expect to earn as a vet assistant.
It stages the annual Ventura Cup Regatta, which is considered the area's most prestigious race, and wields a great deal of influence over sailing in Ventura.
Besides the obvious foundation that are shared with the monolithic Minecraft, there's a great deal of influence from Media Molecule's LittleBigPlanet, most obviously in the thought bubbles that appear from characters and the booming narrator's voice that accompanies much of the proceedings.
Especially in the 1980s and»90s, Mr. McShine exercised a great deal of influence on what the Modern acquired in the way of postwar and more recent art, and applied a keen eye to its installation in the permanent - collection galleries.
Well, the political side of things often does seem silly until you remember that idiots like Monckton and Senator Inhofe have a great deal of influence.
As the head of the Church of England, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams carries a great deal of influence.
Although not a statute or regulation, these guidelines have been applied in countless cases throughout Canada and as such hold a great deal of influence in the determination of spousal support.
Clients acquired a great deal of influence, and used it in ways that profoundly altered their relationships with outside counsel because they had to reduce costs in response to the downturn.
Imbalanced copyright law — and overzealous enforcement — generally favors powerful voices that have a great deal of influence in culture.
The revolving door of Goldman appointees in government gives bankers from the firm a great deal of influence in the development of policy and regulations.
While the final decision lies with the hiring manager, these individuals can have a great deal of influence on the process.
Although this agreed upon price carries a great deal of influence with an appraiser, the appraised value, in some circumstances, may still be pegged lower (or occasionally higher) because the appraiser is hired to estimate the price the average buyer would typically pay for your home.
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