Sentences with phrase «great deal of pleasure»

A great deal of the pleasure of reading Obsolete Objects derives from simply coming across such passages - hundreds of them.
It's indeed a great deal of pleasure to take your little angel to your sweet home after all the hardship and labor.
It is indeed a great deal of pleasure to have your dear little child in your lap.
I've been dealing with psoriasis patients such as this for many years and it gives me a great deal of pleasure to be able to help them resolve their issues and return not only their health but also their lives back to them as they begin to learn to live a life which does not revolve around their skin (or joint pain) related complaints, including endless doctor or medical specialist visits.
Also derive a great deal of pleasure from the simple...
There's a great deal of pleasure in money.
They live in a lovely suburban house and derive a great deal of pleasure from tending their garden.
I'm a long - term Batman fan, an even longer - term LEGO fan and the chance to see these two great pillars of nostalgic glee come together both physically and onscreen gave me a great deal of pleasure.
Like other Auris models, there's little feel through the steering, and while it's possible to travel quickly on a challenging road, you're not likely to derive a great deal of pleasure from doing so.
BKL: I get a great deal of pleasure from writing both, but they are different kinds of pleasure.
If cared for properly, a dog or cat can give an owner a great deal of pleasure and unconditional love.
I also get a great deal of pleasure from living with painting.
Shining a light on their lies, giving honest people the facts about wind power, and in the process, foiling the subversion of groups and individuals like these gives me a great deal of pleasure.
It is with a great deal of pleasure that CAMWL accepts this, the 2016 Diversity Award from the South Asian Bar Association.
As an adjunct to blogging, I get a great deal of pleasure from talking to lawyers in podcasts — and I am grateful to all who participate.
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