Sentences with phrase «great deal of power»

Buyers have taken a great deal of power back from the sellers due to the Internet and the speed and availability at which we receive and digest information.
However, companies have a great deal of power to make the situation work, particularly through flexible work.
The fact of the matter is that modernity has dissolved a great deal of the power of tradition, even as it sometimes deviates and innovates.
Since white theologians and preachers wrote most of the books in religion and theology, they had a great deal of power in controlling the public meaning of the gospel.
nOvember a dozen, 2007 · reducing your weight can sometimes be an incredibly difficult task, requiring a great deal of power and plenty of inspiration.
Your Baby Will Rule Your World Babies command a great deal of power.
Being able to say «no» to something puts a great deal of power in their hands.
On the issue of Spain's regions one has to remember that the central government has a great deal of power regarding spending.
Directly elected mayors have a great deal of power — unlike their purely ceremonial counterparts who tend to be senior councillors wearing the robes of office and tasked with carrying out a range of civic duties.
«In New York the Governor has a great deal of power, but to use it requires political determination and a willingness to take on the Legislature, take on the special interests, and fight for the best interest of taxpayers.
The measure introduced last month, backed by Republican Sen. Chris Jacobs, would address the landmark Silver v. Pataki court ruling that enhanced the budgetary powers of the governor to link policy to the budget — a process in which the executive branch already holds a great deal of power.
First there was the obvious: Cuomo didn't weigh in on whether Silver should be jettisoned as speaker of the Assembly, a post he's held since 1994 and since amassed a great deal of power and influence.
If the government owns your retirement money or just a huge chunk of it, then the government has a great deal of power over you.
Party List elections are disliked because they place a great deal of power and patronage in the hands of the party organisation who can appoint their favoured candidates to parliament by placing them at the top of the Party List.
Politicians have a great deal of power over their staff, without any kind of consequent responsibility.
Politicians hold a great deal of power over their researchers without much in the way of responsiblity.
«Legislative leaders have a great deal of power but face very little scrutiny,» Nyhan said.
A physicist ended up wielding a great deal of power during Churchill's political career, affecting policy on matters well outside the purview of science
The technology that gives citizens more power to interact and organize has also given the central and provincial governments a great deal of power to obfuscate and confuse.
More connected cybercriminals hold a great deal of power in cybercrime forums because they are able to interact directly with a number of other members without going through an intermediary.
Communities hold a great deal of power in affecting how dispensaries decide to market themselves, according to Hsu.
If I plan on mastering the kipping motion that is needed for the toes to bar, then my hips must be able to move fluidly and generate a great deal of power.
The Royal Stickers that land on Bowser's head and the heads of the other bosses also have a great deal of power.
They are truly transparent and believable, thus adding a great deal of power to the film.
It's a great deal of power and shows a lot of of trust from the franchise's new owner, Disney.
The administration maintains that the feds retain a great deal of power — they have called prohibitions in the law «talking points.»
If so, then the student possesses a great deal of power packaged in the form of a single word.
By making these calls itself rather than handing them off to the states, the federal government — ironic, for legislation seen as relinquishing authority — appropriated a great deal of power.
Control over the huge education budget and an enormous amount of jobs translates into a great deal of power.
Since education policy supposedly lies with the states in this country (unless you are accepting bribes in the form of stimulus money from the federal Department of Education), governors hold a great deal of power when it comes to education policy and budgets.
The previous V - 8 produced a great deal of power, but I always felt like I had to really wind it out to the last rev to get all the power.
But once underway, the car is lively and has a great deal of power for enjoying back roads where speeds can vary.
This engine provides a great deal of power and acceleration compared to similar sized and priced cars.
This engine provides a great deal of power and acceleration compared to similar - sized and - priced cars.
The vehicles are easy to handle and feature a great deal of power!
If these features are enabled and you're out of range of either a wireless network or a paired Bluetooth device, you're tablet will expend a great deal of power searching for a network or device.
That's a great deal of power for when you need it, but Nvidia has also added a fifth, low - power «companion core,» whose role will be to keep things running during standby and other low - intensity modes.
Captain Jefferson not only enriched people's lives by sharing news but had a great deal of power.
Any group that has a large number of those with a strong connection (following / readership) will de facto have a great deal of power.
Add to this the fact that if a utility get into financial trouble (whether of its own making or not) they have a great deal of power to raise their rates.
The vegan and vegetarian movement has gained a great deal of power in recent years with more and more individuals making the choice to go meat - free.
Driving the Lancia Fulvia HF from the cockpit view was sheer driving pleasure, granted the car may not possess a great deal of power, however the classic car presented ample challenge on the dusty road surface and was bags of fun.
They have a great deal of power.
Manitoba has already developed a great deal of power this way.
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