Sentences with phrase «great deal of strength»

A great deal of the strength of the evangelical Christian's life was derived from a meditative reading of Scripture in this way.
Quite a great deal of strength and vigor is required to be able to crush coconut on a stone slab!
A deal is all but completed with Louis van Gaal set to welcome in his former Dutch national team charge and in doing so will provide a great deal of strength in depth to his Man United squad.
We find that taking care of a sick baby through the night is not for wimps, and that providing for a family can require a great deal of strength.
While it will require a great deal of strength and patience on your part, put your future together on hold and don't bring it up.
In fact, it takes a great deal of strength to fight back so he is probably much stronger than the average person.
What's more, she says, «Childbirth requires a great deal of strength, stamina and focus; yoga helps you with all of this.»
There's still a great deal of strength and potential for growth inside your body, so get rid of the negative thoughts and keep on pounding that iron.
Only 2 % loss of water will make a person lose a great deal of their strength.
Pull - ups have a notorious reputation for being one of the most challenging bodyweight movements that demands a great deal of strength and power, and it's used by all types of athletes that are looking to develop impressive levels of upper body strength and a rock - solid core.
Even though ectomorphs, with their delicate bone structure and stringy muscles, don't possess a great deal of strength and power in general, these men can train to be strong and significantly improve their endurance, and this should be their main goal.
He incorporates a great deal of strength training and cardio into our routines.
Reality is most normal folks don't need a great deal of strength volume to get stronger.
She commands attention immediately, and gets it, in a very sympathetic role that shows a great deal of strength, but underneath, an almost unfathomable amount of pain.
It must take a great deal of strength.
While euthanasia is never an easy decision, it takes a great deal of strength and love.
The American Cocker Spaniel, like the English breed, has a great deal of strength and stamina; it responds well to regular exercise such as walking, chasing, or «fetching» activity.
Surfing requires a great deal of strength and stamina and each time you attend a lesson, your physical fitness and cardiovascular fitness will improve.
It has already grown to be number 11 in cryptocurrencies, demonstrating a great deal of strength and promise.
Rebuilding trust takes time, patience and a great deal of strength on every parent's part.
Except for Los Angeles, Atlanta and Seattle, the «green» metros are secondary markets that have shown a great deal of strength since the start of 2016 — such as Sacramento; Riverside, CA; Warren, MI; and Minneapolis - St.
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