Sentences with phrase «great deal of stress»

Since that dreaded annual April 15 tax deadline creates a great deal of stress for many people, it makes sense to get started on your taxes now.»
But according to a recent poll conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and NPR, Americans with health issues are more likely to experience a great deal of stress than anyone else.
When respondents answered a question about whether or not they'd been extremely stressed in the past month, people in poor health were more than twice as likely as the general public to report that they'd experienced a great deal of stress in the past month — 60 % of the poor health group identified as highly stressed.
When we bring perfectionism to a relationship, we also bring expectations and standards — whether for our self or others — that can create a great deal of stress and alienation.
It can put a great deal of stress on family life.
@TruthPrevails «What you neglect to consider is that when a woman becomes pregnant it is a great deal of stress on her body... so if it means Mom or babes life, who do we choose?»
What you neglect to consider is that when a woman becomes pregnant it is a great deal of stress on her body... so if it means Mom or babes life, who do we choose?
As a result of studying numerous disasters, however, I have found that doing so frequently causes a great deal of stress to those in need of help.
GIVE UP YOUR NEED TO ALWAYS BE RIGHT: There are so many of us who can't stand the idea of being wrong — wanting to always be right — even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others.
Although in the early pronouncements on mission a great deal of stress is placed on direct evangelism, a broader framework for interpreting mission is discernible as the church faced new challenges.
So real that it causes a great deal of stress on whomever is responsible for taking care of the meals.
This is legit the happiest I've been in a really long time??? To be totally honest I haven't been watching the Rangers at all because the total shittiness was genuinely causing me a great deal of stress.
Often swimming thousands of yards in the pool each day, swimmers put a great deal of stress on their shoulders.
However, even against lower league opposition, Sunderland's defence still looked very shaky and that will bring about a great deal of stress for manager Steve Bruce, especially as Sunderland have conceded seven in their last four league games.
Our older daughter (now 22) experienced a great deal of stress taking the PSAT test, test prep, and multiple SAT tests.
This will save you time and a great deal of stress on the day of your party.
Being prepared ahead of time for how you and your partner want to handle visitors once baby arrives will save you a great deal of stress and spare you some potentially uncomfortable conversations.
Lugging around a giant bulky stroller and car seat on and off a subway is a nearly impossible task which can lead to a great deal of stress.
In addition to «wet dreams» many boys discover masturbation, which can sometimes produce a great deal of stress for some parents and boys.
No matter how many times baby decides to spit - out a pacifier, a reliable hook and tether will eliminate a great deal of stress.
This often puts a great deal of stress on the mother.
Your child is going through a great deal of stress and grief.
And while I laud our efforts to keep Tommy's on - the - road routine as close to normal as possible (and appreciate that our desire to do so never kept us from traveling) we could have saved ourselves a great deal of stress had we lightened up a little bit.
A stellar freshman GPA, on the other hand, will alleviate a great deal of stress as your child progresses through high school.
Busy parents are under a great deal of stress.
Colic may not be harmful to your baby, but it's likely to cause you and your partner a great deal of stress and can lead to some unhealthy choices and behaviors.
Among general findings, as is the case every year since the survey began, women reported significantly higher stress levels than men (5.1 vs 4.4 on a 10 - point scale, where 1 is «little or no stress» and 10 is «a great deal of stress»).
«A mother's body goes through a great deal of stress both physically and mentally during childbirth,» said Dr. Octavia Cannon, DO, vice president of the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Bodybuilders are constantly placing a great deal of stress on their muscles and joints through repetitive movements and this practice tends to take its toll even in the case of experienced lifters with flawless form.
Or, even though he was able to complete the project by the due date, he might have gone through a great deal of stress and anxiety to finish it.
I took this recently when I was under a great deal of stress caring for a sick parent, and I felt better after only a few days.
It operates effectively and ensures that you will not have a great deal of stress when making it work.
A great deal of our stress comes from holding things in.
On the other hand, if you run yourself ragged, are under a great deal of stress (lots of catabolic hormones) and generally don't get much protein, maybe most of that one high - protein meal goes toward repair and won't be called upon as fuel for days or weeks.
Surveys have shown that almost 60 % of the population in America believe that they are under a great deal of stress at least once per week (presumably surveys completed in NZ would reveal similar statistics).
Running and other forms of cardio can place a great deal of stress on the joints.
What is very important to remember is that your body will need more of it when you place it under a great deal of stress.
And, diabetes can cause a great deal of stress, as well, having to poke fingers for glucose, watch the diet, worry about complications, take medications, and have poor control even though following a medical practitioners advice.
I did the Lying Triceps Extensions next and this was also killing my elbows, as most extension movements tend to put a great deal of stress on the elbow joints.
If you are under a great deal of stress take time to relax and center yourself so that your physiology can also calm down and restore its natural function.
Injuries from a motorcycle accident more than 30 years ago and a great deal of stress made whole body tight to the point that walking was painful.
This indicates to me that they are under a great deal of stress as well, such that the «stressed» women tested in this study probably closer approximate the majority of real American women.
Removing or limiting intake of foods such as refined sugars, grains, excessive alcohol, and processed foods can remove a great deal of stress from the gut.
Women who have breached the 40 year mark often find themselves under a great deal of stress.
Misunderstandings can significantly delay your eLearning content development timeline, not to mention cause a great deal of stress and frustration.
There are also a number of downsides that can cause a great deal of stress and frustration, which is probably why many organizations consider eLearning outsourcing to be a «last resort» or «back up plan» that should only be used when all else fails.
First, changing classes and having multiple teachers with diverse expectations place a great deal of stress on already weak organizational systems.
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