Sentences with phrase «great disadvantage»

The phrase "great disadvantage" means a big drawback or obstacle that makes it difficult to succeed or achieve something. Full definition
Each of these 4 indicators are linked to greater disadvantage for children living in families and communities that experience them, but that does not have to be the case.
Small, rural districts are at an even greater disadvantage with fewer resources to develop competitive grant applications.
But cover letters can work against a candidate, providing a much greater disadvantage over any potential advantage.
First of all, small publishers won't be at a «much greater disadvantage» because we will still be pricing below major publishers.
How great a disadvantage have they faced, and how much extra weight will their lighter rivals carry?
Unfortunately those for whom marriage seems out of reach (financially or culturally) may be at an even greater disadvantage in life, making the bumps in the road feel that much harder.
Independent publishers who want easy impulse - purchase access to the Apple platform will be denied it, putting them at an even greater disadvantage when readers of the major publishers get into the habit of just browsing their favorite company's store because dealing with the Comixology app is too much of a hassle.
Liz Accles, executive director of Community Food Advocates, and leader of the Lunch 4 Learning campaign, said in a press release, «Hungry children face great disadvantages academically.
«NFL, NBA, and NHL teams have a disadvantage when traveling west: Evening games show greatest disadvantage for teams traveling westward.»
Getting a big chunk of America's poor kids into the New Elite in one generation might be a fool's errand — our meritocracy has put them at too great a disadvantage.
(Some argue that DCPS educates students with greater disadvantages, though others disagree).
White men hate their rivals far worse than those they deem as inferior, and, often times, there are great disadvantages for being white.
«Diverting public funds away from public education to fund private schools doesn't serve all children equally, and places traditionally underserved students at an even greater disadvantage
«Normally, one of the great disadvantages of investment - oriented life insurance is that front - end commissions are so high that it takes a few years to start building up any type of cash value.
Most problematically, he notes that even an accurate belief that forces beyond one's control are causing one's disadvantage can lead to hopelessness and greater disadvantage.
Explore why a focus on compliance - driven security risk programs can put entities at a great disadvantage in dealing with these challenges — and what's needed to implement a more war - minded approach to battle the evolving threat landscape.
While the UFMIP contributes to the difference, the greatest disadvantage of FHA mortgage insurance is that you must pay monthly premiums for almost twice as long as you would with a conventional mortgage.
And a soldier on the ground has a great disadvantage over a soldier who is still on his feet.
Actually, this is another scientist who understands that there isn't a SHRED of proof to indicate that any god exists, and that American kids who are taught creationism will be at a great disadvantage in the future when they try to compete for jobs against children with real educations.
Let me say only that the paucity of black students taking courses in religion means that, if and when they decide on a church commitment, they will find themselves at a great disadvantage.
At present, there are no odds posted on MISL games, which leaves it at a great disadvantage vis - √ † - vis the NBA and the NHL, inasmuch as many newspapers now carry a daily line — in effect, a national advance story.
Besides the cost, the greatest disadvantage is the time commitment required from the young athlete and the athlete's family.
One of the greatest disadvantages of co-sleepers is a fact that you can use it for a short period, for the first few months of baby's life.
In this case, your health will chiefly suffer, if you continue in nursing, this will be a great disadvantage to your child.
But isn't the greatest disadvantage of all being written off by those so in hock to a culture of low expectations that they have forgotten what it's like to be ambitious, to want to transcend your background, to overcome circumstance and succeed on your own terms?
And the great disadvantage is that if a pandemic arrives, we will not be prepared.
«The greatest advantage is also probably the greatest disadvantage,» Livesey says.
«But if the insect larvae didn't take care of the waste, this would be a great disadvantage for the health of the nestlings.»
It seems, however, that this advantage may actually be a great disadvantage in special circumstances.
However, one of the greatest disadvantages of exogenous ketones is their taste.
So while they may taste and feel good, you are doing your teeth a great disadvantage if you continue to guzzle these sugary drinks.
The greatest disadvantage I experienced at that time was the need for more recovery time.
Without doubt, one of the greatest disadvantages of international dating is distance.
This is a great disadvantage and that would be a tough situation for you because when you are in search of a life partner, you wonder where to go.
Studies show that African - Americans are at the greatest disadvantage on major dating sites,...
Studies show that African - Americans are at the greatest disadvantage on major dating sites, especially black women.
This year's Christmas Day releases are perhaps at the greatest disadvantage in the history of movies thanks to «Star Wars: The Force Awakens.»
Being able to play on the Vita against those on PS3 doesn't seem to give any great disadvantage and the smaller screen does wonders for hiding the competent — but hardly gorgeous — graphics.
But the fact that everything feels way more immersive and intense in virtual reality is both its great advantage and its great disadvantage, since «everything» means everything.
In other words, American children raised in single - parent homes appear to be at a greater disadvantage educationally than ever before.
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