Sentences with phrase «great education system»

If system wide school collaboration is our best chance of creating great education systems what forms of accountability would incentivize really effective and ambitious collaboration and how do we measure our collective impact on student learning?
They want their children have modern lifestyle and enjoy the greatest education system, clean and fresh air, clean food in these nations.
It is a beautiful country, it has a great education system, and life is generally nice.
Announcing the standards at the Education the government Forum on 19th January, Education Secretary Nicky Morgan said: «At the heart of our plan for education - at the heart of all great education systems - are great teachers and great teaching.
And the one brutal fact that drives this young education reformer is that «without a great education system for all our children, we simply will not be the nation that we imagine ourselves to be.»
«I developed a deep sense of responsibility not only toward my students but towards the greater education system in my country,» she says, noting her belief that many social issues plaguing Nigeria can be addressed through education reform.
What does a great education system look like?
These recommendations, coupled with a focus on elevating the teaching profession, will advance the quality of our classrooms and ensure that the greatest country in the world has the greatest education system in the world.
A great education system won't just help our country succeed in the future; it will give families peace of mind that their kids can realise their full potential,» the prime minister will say.
We will not have a great education system until every leader across the nation ensures that every child's whole person is both valued and visible.
To be a great country, we must have strong economic growth, a great education system, take care of our veterans, and develop future leaders.
It prides itself on having a great education system, a wonderful transportation system, and affordable housing.
I love the idea of buy and hold in indiana for their robust economy, great education systems, and strong rent to value even in B class properties.
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