Sentences with phrase «great emotional pain»

Huge financial obstacles need to be overcome, but the victim's families suffer great emotional pain as we.
He approached slowly, obviously in great emotional pain, but with no sign of injury or illness.
When this need is wounded through neglect, trauma or abandonment people suffer great emotional pain and may have trouble in their ability to relate in the way they would want to.
For generations the Rivera family has banned music because it is believed to be the source of great emotional pain, caused when Miguel's great - great - grandfather walked out on his wife and child to pursue a career of fame and fortune.
For so long as there are people trying to rationalize not taking price into consideration when setting their stock allocations, there are going to be people feeling great emotional pain every time we discuss what the academic research of the past 30 years tells us about how stock investing works.
One of many definitions of codependency is: a set of maladaptive, compulsive behaviors learned by family members in order to survive in a family which is experiencing great emotional pain and stress.
The sources of great emotional pain and stress in the family or couple are usually chemical dependency, chronic mental illness, chronic physical illness, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, divorce, hypercritical or a non-loving environment.
In January 2015 I was in pain... great emotional pain.
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