Sentences with phrase «great faith traditions»

They suggest that the same eternal principle may be recognized in other great spiritual teachers such as the Buddha and Lord Krishna, and that too exclusive a focus on Jesus is liable to ignore the evidence of God's presence in the other great faith traditions of the world.

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Touchstone provides a forum where Christians of various backgrounds — Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox — can speak candidly with one another on the basis of a shared commitment to the Great Tradition of Christian faith as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the classic creeds of the early church.The term «mere Christianity,» of course, was made famous by C. S. Lewis, whose book of that title is among the most influential religious volumes of the past one hundred years.
The light of Faith: this is how the Church's tradition speaks of the great gift brought by Jesus.
Any other practice breaks the unity of the church, and the lack of water baptism is actually a tradition of omission, thus not showing a greater understanding of faith, but rather a lack of reverence for the will and intention of Jesus himself.
Although the Church has preserved a tradition as a patron of the arts for more than a millennium, and the great mediaeval cathedrals in particular have portrayed Christianity through their paintings, sculptures, and perhaps especially their windows, Catholic teachers are now refocusing on literary, cultural and artistic beauty as a conscious resource for the transmission of the faith.
«The bulk of the Regensburg address was directed to Christian intellectuals who, in the name of «de-Hellenizing» Christianity, pit biblical faith against the great synthesis of faith and reason achieved over the centuries of the Christian intellectual tradition.
But the only way in which one can be a participant in that great tradition is through a willing sharing in the small cell of the Body in the place where one happens to live — and such willing sharing will have the double effect of strengthening both one's own faith and the community of faith.
The Christian Church — let's spell it with a capital — combining the Judaeo - Christian faith and ethic with the best of Greek thought and culture, has, at its noblest, been the guardian of our greatest tradition, the transmitter of a priceless heritage.
But in point of fact Bultmann's theology helped to keep many individuals within the great tradition of faith in the eternal God, the God revealed in the crisis of the gospel of Christ; for in the jargon, although his work was to «demythologize,» he refused to «dekerygmatize.»
Rudolf Bultmann's theology helped to keep many individuals within the great tradition of faith in the eternal God, the God revealed in the crisis of the gospel of Christ; for in the jargon, although his work was to «demythologize,» he refused to «dekerygmatize.»
But the bulk of the Regensburg address was directed to Christian intellectuals who, in the name of «de-Hellenizing» Christianity, pit biblical faith against the great synthesis of faith and reason achieved over the centuries of the Christian intellectual tradition.
Faith presupposes a context of certain practices and even bodily transformation» for our flesh is redeemed by Christ's own flesh» and can not be considered a general feature of human nature that finds diverse expression in all the great religious traditions.
It is safe to make any commentary on Christianity one would like to, at least safe in terms of the law of the U.S., and certainly this is the faith tradition with which this particular cartoonist has the greatest amount of direct experience.
After all, when writing a book about music and Christianity, why wouldn't one bother to emphasize that great tradition of musically - focused Christian faith, drawing upon the resources which, in God's providence, that tradition alone could provide.
An important part of such development is to participate in the great historic faiths and in contemporary religious traditions other than one's own.
Richard recently in Christianity Today: «Only a thinker so well grounded in the Reformation traditions could be an honest broker in bringing faithful evangelicals and believing Catholics to recognize the common source of their life together in Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures, and the great tradition of living faith through the centuries.»
It carries on its task in continuity with a great tradition and on the basis of convictions implanted historically into historical men; it works in a community that has a structure and a definable faith.
His historical study had convinced him that the most faithful bearer of the apostolic faith was the great tradition of thought and practice as expounded by the orthodox Church Fathers.»
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, the great twentieth - century theoretician of Jewish law (Halakhah) who died twenty - five years ago today, addressed these questions within the context of his own tradition — though his answers are relevant to people of all faiths.
Many people gain ego support by identifying with the preacher as he proclaims the great themes of wisdom and faith, courage and hope as understood in the group's tradition.
And this divine conversation reminds us that being people of faith isn't just about being right; it's about being a part of a community, part of a great tradition of dialog.
Catholic Studies programs must be interdisciplinary, offering students an encounter with «the imaginative tradition of the faith, its approach to beauty, the great - souled works of literature [and] deep artistic traditions of Catholicism, its understanding of the human person and of the range and limits of politics.»
The history of love is full of ironies and one of those is the Franciscan tradition that this non-intellectual faith with its directness and derogation of philosophy and learning produced a line of Christian philosophers which includes some of the great names in intellectual history: St. Bonaventura, Roger Bacon, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham.
I personally think Jesus greatest teaching were based on the fact that the Jewish faith became so perverted through traditions for atonement instead of consciousness about the actions through God's eyes.
Are faith transitions merely a rite of passage for 18 - 30 year - olds or is there something larger going on in the broader culture, something like what Phyllis Tickle describes in the Great Emergence as postmoderns picking and choosing the best elements from each faith tradition and trying to weld those elements into one?
Giving them a space to voice their own articulation of the faith is one of the greatest ways to explore the rich poetic heritage of the Christian tradition.
They can be open to a great deal, but it does not seem they can be open to the ultimate claims of the Abrahamic traditions about faith in God.
In «Evangelicals and the Great Tradition» (Aug / Sept 2007), George discusses Beckwith's return to the Catholic faith of his childhood from evangelicalism.
My own approach has been to dig deeply into the core of my own tradition and to find there surprising convergences with other Christians drawn from the great heritage of the apostolic faith and the inspired Holy Scriptures we cherish in common.
Lack of key ecclesial sources Throughout this document, with its many footnotes and citations, there are virtually no references to sacred Scripture, no mention of its importance in the transmission of the Faith, nor to the witness of the great saints and doctors of the Tradition.
If you're wanting a traditional title for your little one that honors your faith and tradition, here are 20 great ideas.If you're looking to name your child after something rooted in a strong tradition and faith, reviewing Hebrew baby names might be the right choice.
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