Sentences with phrase «great fit for the job»

Some people are great fits for jobs which they sadly will never hear about.
Use the cover letter to explain why you are a great fit for this job, not as a place to reiterate what's on your résumé.
By all accounts, acting AG Barbara Underwood is a great fit for the job.
Britt - Elmore, who had a background in theater — particularly dramaturgy, the study of theater and its history — was a great fit for the job, even though she had no formal education experience.
Darling, whom Bennett listed as a reference, said he's a great fit for the job, calling him «an education - reform activist with a national reputation.»
Please include a cover letter telling us why you are a great fit for this job.
Talk about where you are now and what skills you are currently using that apply to the opportunity you're interviewing for, speak to your past successes and explain why all of these make you a great fit for the job.
How do you avoid being weeded out when you're a great fit for the job?
It aims to capture the recruiter's attention and quickly let them know what you do, what your industry is and why you're a great fit for the job.
Use the summary on your resume to the best advantage — make sure you're including your elevator pitch that highlights why you'd be a great fit for the job.
As an entry - level employee, you'll have many opportunities to prove that you're a great fit for your job.
People who love to ski, who can handle the physical activity required and who work well with people of all ages are great fits for this job.
Focus on highlighting the most important traits that make you a great fit for the job and conclude by asking for a meeting to discuss things in more detail.
Ask whether or not your friend is convinced that you are a great fit for the job after reading your letter.
Instead, focus on highlighting the skills and experiences you do have, and explain how they make you a great fit for the job.
That way, hey presto, you'll be able to give the interviewer validation of how you're a great fit for the job.
A great one, on the other hand, will quickly let the recruiter know who you are and why you are a great fit for the job.
Because your resume shows hiring managers you are a great fit for the job, make sure your contact information is easy to read so it's simple for hiring managers to call you for an interview.
This is a good way to catch the employers attention and let them know about some of your soft skills and why you'd be a great fit for the job.
You already know you would make a great fit for the job because you have the education, skills, and experience to succeed.
When listing your skills and experience from each temp role, you need to ensure you list skills that prove you're a great fit for the job you're applying to.
This will help the hiring manager clearly see that you are a great fit for the job.
The idea here is to give the most important points of your resume and how these experiences make you a great fit for the job.
Share how you're a great fit for the job.
If your cover letter looks like a template, the recruiter will likely feel you aren't making an effort, and the letter probably won't speak to why you'd be a great fit for the job you're applying to.
Then, once you have reviewed these materials, ask yourself, «Why do I think that [XXX] is a great fit for this job
Cover letters lets you have a great introduction to your job application as well as a proper way of introducing your skills and qualifications, letting them know that you are a great fit for the job and one that can help the company achieve its goals.
You can bring up some of these assets when you explain to the employer why you are a great fit for the job.
Including a cover letter is your golden chance to demonstrate to the hiring manager why you are a great fit for the job.
The qualifications section should be full of your skills and knowledge that make you a great fit for the job.
You need to get your resume in front of them so they can see that you'd be a great fit for that job.
The cover letter is your opportunity to explain why you're a great fit for the job.
If that sounds like something you can handle while being fast, accurate and friendly, you are probably a great fit for a job as a bank teller.
Thank you notes are more than being polite, they are an additional opportunity to sell yourself as a great fit for the job.
By understanding the job description and asking the right questions in the interview, you will be able to have a firm grasp on the role thus be able to extrapolate how you would be a great fit for the job and company.
Keep it to one to two paragraphs that describe your fluency, past work experience, and why you would be a great fit for the job opportunity.
Once you have thoroughly investigated and figured out an answer to the above questions, now is the time to sit down and make a CV in a way that answers all these questions and is a great fit for the job.
This is how you can show recruiters that you care about the offer and know how to present yourself as a great fit for the job.
So make sure to include the soft skills you possess that would make you a great fit for the job position on your resume.
When crafting your resume, make sure you include all of the relevant data that shows you are a great fit for the job at hand.
Instead, highlight your professional experience in a compelling manner to show the hiring manager or recruiter why you are a great fit for the job.
Using the Executive Summary and Core Competencies sections, in particular, your resume should speak to why you're a great fit for the job you're currently applying for.
Your resume must contain all of the information necessary to show employers you are a great fit for the job you are targeting - no more, and no less.
Once you're finished writing, review each point and ensure every one provides unique and compelling evidence that you are a great fit for the job you are targeting.
Please find below my accomplishments and history that make me a great fit for this job
You need to think about why you're a great fit for the job and be ready to get specific with examples.
When you didn't get called for an interview even though you thought you were a great fit for the job, or you thought your interview was a great success, but the employer chose to hire another candidate, often the first thing you want to know is why you were not selected for the job.
Writing an achievements based resume is a great way to highlight why you're a great fit for the job.
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