Sentences with phrase «great football club»

Expect the true transformation of the once great football club Arsenal into a rich man's Everton as soon as next season.
Sorry Terry, whereas you are correct in you analogy of Kroenke & Sons et al turning this once great football club into a money making conglomorate — as with all EPL clubs for that matter these days, such is the word «progress» for want of a better description, I'm afraid there is a lot of truth in the comments above.
Lastly, The Board and Stan get it far too cosy at The Emirates and I, for one, am sick of the sight of this lot running our once great FOOTBALL CLUB into a very profitable American BUSINESS... for which the real Arsenal football fans suffer most!
Arsenal are a GREAT FOOTBALL CLUB which I am afraid has an un popular Board, who according to Arsenal Supporters are more interested in their dividends than the team.
Lincoln Red Imps, the greatest football club in the history of Gibraltar and the first from the Rock to compete in the preliminary stages of the Champions League, fell at the first hurdle.
I don't even care anymore, I'm honestly losing my love for this once great football club and Wenger is responsible for this.
In reality he couldn't manage a sneeze, let alone a great football club.
i have just emailed Ivan Gadzidis telling him how this once great football club is being destroyed, i urge you all to email him and voice your concerns also, his email address is: [email protected]
«From joining as a schoolboy at 14, to signing my first professional contract at 17 and then making my first - team debut in the same year, to then being part of the transformation and evolution of this great football club, has inspired me to keep striving to be the very best I can be.
I'm staying at the football club and I can't wait for the start of the season and captaining this great football club
Wenger WILL NOT make those additions, he will waste another transfer window and the decline of this great football club will continue.
He is indeed a failure, you keep on about FA cups but this great football club is so much more than that limited vision.
We respect that fans are entitled to their different individual opinions but we will always run this great football club with its best long - term interests at heart.
I hope for The sake of our clubs future enough people get off their Arses to stop the rot at our once great football club.
You can't be sentimental running a great football club.
Is Leicester City a greater football club than Arsenal?
This might be a blessing in disguise or it might be an anticlimatic end of a once great football club.
We are not a great football club anymore, not untill Wenger and stan leave my beloved arsenal or probably till when they decide to change because I don't see them leaving anytime soon....
champions league team suffered cause this greedy little lego man oh pep wants me always remember arsenal made u not u made arsenal cause if u did we be champions league rant over get out of this great football club and bring in dris mertens which is gona happen but mite not cause he wants pep at city which will never be greater club than arsenal
It is quite scary when you think about it — knowing absolutely nothing about the workings of this great football club.
if Arsenal do not bring in at least 2 top quality players to replace chamberlain and sanchez by end of transfer window then us fans must take action at next home game and hold a massive protest to make sure us fans let board and wenger know we are no longer going to tolerate this once great football club being run down into the gutter!
Keeping Arsene Wenger in place is unambitious and reeks of weak leadership at the highest levels of Arsenal F.C. I've been a huge admirer of Wenger since the early weeks of his tenure at the helm of the greatest football club on this planet, and I'm eternally grateful for the initial years of beautiful football he delivered.
We are fans of a great football club and our support should be 100 %.
«In the coming weeks and months, the world will see the unity and power of this great football club, and the people within it.
«He has done all of this while remaining true to his values and the values of this great football club.
Celtic FC is an all - inclusive club and Celtic FC Women play a crucial role in this, offering female players the opportunity to be an intrinsic part of one of the world's greatest football clubs.
Owned by the Agnelli family, Juventus is one of the great football clubs in European League.
It is indeed very sad that his tenure at this great football club should end with such a low.
Get all Arsenal supporters in Oz together and talk about the greatest football club in the world.
The road has been fraught with minor altercations, progress has been patchy and the highlights; the glimpses into what could be a golden era of our once great football club, have been equated by the speed - bumps that have us looking to the future.
They confront the challenges facing our great football Club and give their views on how the Board should be structured, what skills and attributes it needs and how it should behave.
I am writing to you as a proud captain and lifelong supporter of our great football club, West Ham United.
Don't know anyone who doesn't get behind the team, think he should be getting the player's, management and owners behind the fans, telling them «stop bringing this Great football club down».
Barcelona have seen many great players over the last 14 seasons, who have played in some of the most successful years for one of Spain's greatest football clubs.
They are - with Arsenal, Aston Villa and Everton - among the great football clubs of England, even if that is not recognised by the more recent upstarts of Anfield and Old Trafford, to say nothing of the Chelski oligarchs.
He said on the club's official website: «It's a wonderful honour for me to become manager of this great football club and I'm looking forward to the challenge of taking Aston Villa back to its rightful place.»
This is a great football club supporting a vital local employer.
We strive to provide an independent forum for the views of Evertonians the world over while delivering unparalleled coverage of events surrounding one of England's greatest football clubs.
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