Sentences with phrase «great gesture»

That is truly great gesture of good will from HG.
Additionally, sent a kind thank you card with my order, which was a really great gesture - it made my otherwise faceless digital experience very personal and appreciated.
Sometimes a kind and unexpected gesture can change the entire atmosphere of an evening and transform a dull date into a great
«It would be a great gesture of goodwill for the prime minister to make ahead of negotiations but equally it's good for our businesses... This is what I hear about day in, day out,» he added, noting that the U.K. government could offer this to EU workers unilaterally despite having been rebuked earlier by the trading bloc in an attempt to agree a deal on this issue ahead of full Brexit negotiations.
Katie must have known very well the anguish and misery that lay behind the words, understood how her husband was making the greatest gesture he could of protest against a life which had become finally too burdensome: «To my kind and dear mistress of the house, Luther's Katherine von Rora, a preacher, a brewer, a gardener, and whatever also she is capable of doing.
That's such a great gesture and coincidentally I'm going to Dublin for St Patrick's Day this year too, maybe I'll see ya there!
It's a brilliant touch from Guardiola and a great gesture which will undoubtedly have been appreciated by all.
«He (Wenger) decided to leave and it was a great gesture of solidity,» Ancelotti is quoted by Goal.
That was indeed a great gesture, what made it so good for me was the fact that these two players know that they are competition to on another.
I thought it a great gesture Arsenal FC subsidizing the Atletico trip ticket cost.
A great gesture from our Main Partner @SportPesa at the weekend.
This picture was a great gesture too thanking Chelsea fans for making the trip, which is better than most away grounds you visit where they treat you with disdain and can not wait to get rid of you.
I love the shoes and the cami, a great gesture to all the girls belonging to the itty titty bitty comitee!
Dating success is simple courtesy to things that are always rocking fences once a great gesture.
It's always a great gesture by the man to offer to travel to the country in which his lady lives.
I think listening to someone is a great gesture of acceptance and kindness.
Moonee and Halley and their friends and nemeses alike will go on and endure, which is perhaps the greatest gesture of optimism that this film can make, and that virtually any could.
James the Greater gestures wildly with indignation.
Like you said, if you're in a financial position to be able to do it without ruining your own well - being it's a great gesture.
I thought it was a great gesture!
Like I said, Nintendo doesn't need to do this, but it would have been a great gesture and would have made me feel a little less guilty for buying all of these games twice.
While Nintendo is in no way obligated to do this, I think it would have been a great gesture from Nintendo to give the Wii U owners some sort of discount on these games.
This is a great gesture of mutual trust.
In contrast to such companions of his as Heizer and Smithson, Long's works do not amount to an intervention in nature, executed in a series of great gestures, for he instead works with material already at hand.
The painted marks flew over the tiny surface with great gesture and natural ease.
Anyone who has followed WUWT through the years knows the gargantuous effort that has been put forth by both yourself and all of the gatherers of the Surface Stations survey data and you all deserve a great gesture of appreciation for carrying this to a proper and detailed summary of what has occurred to the land surface temperature records and adjustments by NOAA, NCDC, USHCN and the implications carried into the GHCN dataset used by all major datasets.
Co-signing a loan to help your niece or nephew get through college or buy a home is a great gesture and way to help your family.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the same story with the Buds, in which the great gesture controls and maturing Google Assistant find their way to more headphones, wireless or otherwise.
The update is live now as a free update to existing PocketCasts users also, which is a great gesture by the developers.
Because that is her love language, she was under the assumption that that gift would be a great gesture to say «I love you».
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